☠Task Two: Entries 15-28☠

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This isn't her. Her movements are too haphazard compared to Bonnie's calculated actions. Bonnie almost gasps in surprise at the realization, but catches herself just in time.

Thought you'd caught a curly one

Now she sees everything for herself. She isn't watching the girl—she is the girl. It's a memory of someone else, and it's invading Bonnie's mind. A boy comes into view—good looking, well dressed, with a smile that invites you in and welcomes you with open arms. He is saying something, and she—whoever she is—laughs.

She resurfaces, clutching on the bank for support; what was that? Those memories aren't hers, she knows that much.

Devil's flesh and bones

Bonnie tosses her spear away from the water and pulls herself up, all thought of food gone from her mind. To get out of there is now her goal. Leave, and get to Georgie. But something latches onto her; a cold, slimy touch that wraps around her calf. She yelps in surprise, her momentum faltering, making her hands slip off the bank. Bonnie falls back into the water, and the singing fills her ears once again.

Catch him if you can

Another memory comes, but the colors are over saturated. Everything is too bright, too vivid, too loud. It seems to be a happy memory—the boy is there again. He is on a boat with her, and they're talking, laughing, but Bonnie cannot understand what their conversation is about. She tries to remember a time where she is ever with a boy, but cannot recall one. Her grandmother had kept her well away from them, and she had never questioned why.

Big boy blue

The next memory is both quaint and intense. It's in a bedroom—an intimate memory meant to be shared by only those who experienced it. This is not for her. Bonnie screams in frustration, forgetting about the fact that she's underwater. Why? Why are these damned Gamemakers giving her memories of a person she doesn't know? Why are they using another person's memory in the first place?

Bonnie didn't even know it is possible to extract another person's memory, but after being brought back to life, she isn't that surprised.

Water fills her mouth, so she clamps it shut and kicks her leg as hard as she can. She is from Four; whatever the sea monster the Gamemakers had prepared for them, she can take.

He ran away, ran away

She gets to the surface long enough to gag and spit out all the water. A hasty breath is taken before another memory fills her head. It is reaping day. Sunlight beats down on the District Square, and dread grasps at her insides, twisting and churning. Bonnie isn't sure if the dread is from memory, or if it's actually what she feels right now. The Escort, a pale woman with a shock of orange hair, simpers onstage with her ridiculous Capitol accent. Tributes are called; the boy volunteers.

Find him on a brighter day, brighter day

Leave it on the line

She--the girl from the memories--is in a bathroom, vomiting. An older woman comes in to check her temperature. The woman gives her a tender kiss on the head, and envelops her in a sweet embrace. An embrace that Bonnie is familiar with, one that she has actually committed to her own memories.

The girl turns, until the older woman is within her sight. Legs giving way to shock, Bonnie grabs at the bank for support. The older woman is someone she actually knows. Perhaps a little younger than Bonnie remembers, but the same face is there. The stern, unforgiving set of her lips betrayed by the tenderness in her eyes.

Her grandmother.

But if this is her grandmother, then this must mean...

The realization hits her like a bolt of lightning. Her grip on the rock slackens, and the water's currents gently carry her away from the edge. A hand clasps around her own, this time gentle and soft, and tugs until she is underwater once again. Bonnie looks at the body attached to the hand and sees a face almost identical to hers, but with softer features.

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