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This is a Salem x Grimm Hybrid Male Reader requested by combatmonster44.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): "Come and get me you fuckers!!!!" Bullets flew past me as I dodged them. My katana glistened with the moon as my feet carried me deeper into the forest.

Hunter: "You won't escape you spy!!!" I turned and sliced a bullet in half as it came close to my face. I turned back just in the nick of time to dodge a tree. Bark could be heard crunching under the impact of lead. A searing pain appeared in my right leg as blood began to leak from the wound.

(Y/N): "Dammit!!!" I shouted before grabbing a smoke bomb from my pocket and threw it at the ground. Smoke quickly enveloped the surround area as I ducked into a nearby brush. Feet pounded against the dirt until they stopped a few feet away.

Huntress: "Damn it to hell!!" She shouted clearly frustrated that I escaped.

???: "He can't get far." Said an all to familiar voice. I peck my eye threw the brush and noticed the bastard himself.

Qrow Brawnwan.

Didn't think Ozpin would send him as well. This is gonna be even trickery than I though.

Qrow: "I want you two to fan the area and try to find him. I'll look around here." He said as loud footsteps were heard. Once everything grew quiet I masked my breathing. "I know you're around here somewhere (Y/N). Just show yourself now and I'll make your death painless." He said.

His footsteps echoed all around be. The sound grew louder and louder. He was getting closer as my mind raced at what to do. I was about to make a break for it until I heard a sigh. The footsteps grew softer and softer until I couldn't hear anything. I let out a small sigh of relief. I stepped out from my hiding spot only to face the barrel of his gun.

Qrow: "I'm not that dumb kid." His finger only centimeters from the trigger.

(Y/N): "And what do you take me for?" I said. He looked at me curiously. Time around me slowed to a standstill for a brief moment.  I quickly disarmed him as time flowed once again.

Qrow: "What the?!?" He said before I delivered a solid punch to his jawline. An audible crack could be heard signaling his jaw was dislocated. My shoulder jerked as another searing pain could be felt. I looked to my right to see the hunter holding a suppressed handgun. My legs carried me away from them while the hunter followed me. It seemed like an eternity before I exited that blasted forest and found myself at the edge of a cliff. My feet abruptly stopped on the edge as some rocks fell to the cliff below.

Hunter: "No where to run now you damn spy!!" I turned to see him pointing his gun directly at my chest. He was a few feet away, but close enough to land a fatal shot. I was running out of options here. My Sembelance won't be able to work until the next twenty-four hours and I've suffered heavy damage. To top it off my aura won't recover or activate because of my damn Sembelance too.

Qrow: "Just give it up already (Y/N)." Qrow emerged from the forest rubbing his jaw. The huntress wasn't far behind him as she followed.

(Y/N): "And what if I don't?" I mocked.

Qrow: "Good." He said lifting his weapon. The scythe was fully extended and he was ready to kill. I needed to do something fast or I was gonna be killed. My feet dangled dangerously near the edge as Qrow slowly neared me. A jolt was sent down my spine as I smiled.

(Y/N): "Understood Mistress." I said as Qrow looked at me wide eyed. Black ooze appeared at my feet and began to envelop me. Qrow rushed forward at blind speed and slashed me. The blade cut straight across my chest as the ooze fully enveloped the rest of me. Before everything faded I heard his angered screams and I grew unconscious.

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