The Dark Side of Remnant

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This is a Sith Inquisitor Male Reader x Neo requested by Azureman136.

(Y/N)'s POV

Chancellor: "The meting has now begun." He said as everyone nodded. "Now on to business. Inquisitor (L/N) will start off with his statement." He said as I stood from my chair.
(Y/N): "Thank you Chancellor. As of recent the grim have been growing in numbers and so has some militarized forces." I said as I looked at the general and chairman of Atlas. "But as those forces grow so does the worry of the people and we all know what attracts the grim." I said as a majority of the chairman nodded their heads in agreement. "So I ask that the unnecessary forces placed around the kingdoms by Atlas be removed." I said.
Atlas General: "This is completely absurd!!" He yelled as he slammed his hand on the table startling a majority of the people. "We placed those forces there for Incase of an invasion and you want to remove them!?!?" He said angry.
(Y/N): "With all due respect general we are trying to protect our people not show them we are preparing for war. If they know that a war is coming it will only bring negativity which will eventually bring the grim." I said as he grew angrier at me.
Atlas General: "Who do you think you are Inquisitor?!?" He asked.
(Y/N): "I am merely a man who is thinking for the betterment of our people." I said as he finally lost it.
Atlas General: "I've heard en-" he tried to say.
Atlas Chairman: "Enough General." He said as the General look shocked.
Atlas General: "But Chairman." He said in disbelief.
Atlas Chariman: "Inquisitor (L/N) is right. If we are to keep the people at ease we must make them believe that nothing is wrong. When the meeting is done I want you to pull the extra troops from around the kingdoms and return them to Atlas." He said as the General look at him in utter shock.
Atlas General: "But chair-" he tried to say before getting cut off.
Atlas Chairman: "Enough General. My words are law and they will be followed. Do I make myself clear." He said as the General reluctantly nodded.
(Y/N): "Thank you for understanding Chairman." I said as he nodded.
Atlas Chairman: "Do not thank me Inquisitor. I am merely bringing the people peace of mind." He said as I nodded with a smile.
Chancellor: "Is that all you wish to discuss Inquisitor (L/N)?" He asked me as I sat down next to my right hand woman Neo.
(Y/N): "Yes Chancellor that is all." I said as he nodded. The meeting then continued for couple more hours before we decided to call for a intermission. As we left the meeting chamber Neo and I walked side by side. It was then we noticed the Atlas Chairman waiting.
Atlas Chairman: "Ahh Inquisitor do you mind if I join you?" He asked politely as I ushered him towards us as we walked. "I just wanted to talk is all." He said as we continued to walk.
(Y/N): "What do you wish to talk about Chairman?" I asked.
Atlas Chairman: "I just wanted to apologize on behalf of my general. When it comes to subjects like these he tends to get angry." He said.
(Y/N): "It is quiet alright Chairman. With discussions like these tempers are bound to fly." I said as he nodded. "All that matters is we came to an agreement for the betterment of our people." I said as he smiled.
Atlas Chairman: "Thank you for understanding Inquisitor. Now if you will excuse me I must attend to other business." He said as he branches off into a nearby hallway. As he left Neo and I kept walking until we reached our chambers. As we entered the room the door shut behind us. I then went to the pad next to the door and pressed the lock command cause the door to lock. Neo and I then moved to the couch where we sat down. As we sat down a image of Lord Vader and Mistress Cinder appeared in front of us.
Vader: "What news do you bring Inquisitor?" He asked as I sat forwards on the couch.
(Y/N): "Everything is going to plan Lord Vader. They do not suspect me." I said as he nodded.
Cinder: "And what of the Atlas troops?" She asked.
(Y/N): "I have managed to send the extra troops that were stationed around the kingdoms back to Atlas Mistress Cinder." I said as she nodded with a sadistic smile.
Cinder: "Wonderful news Inquisitor." She said. "I shall deliver this news to my Mistress." She said.
Vader: "For the time being Inquisitor you and your right hand are to continue your work for as long as possible without being discovered.." he said as I nodded.
Cinder: "And make sure to do you part as well Neo." She said as Neo nodded. "Make sure to keep him safe at all costs." She said. As she finished both images dissapeared. It was then we heard a knock at the door. I nodded at Neo as we both got up from the couch and made our way to the door. I then pressed the unlock button which cause the door to open and reveal the Chancellor.
Chancellor: " Ahh there you two are. The meeting is about to resume so I came to tell you." He said as I nodded. He then left and walked away.
(Y/N): "Neo pull up the hidden security camera we installed right outside our door." I said as she nodded and pulled out a tablet and brought up the footage. After a couple of seconds she grew wide eyed and handed me the tablet. As I watched the footage I noticed that the Chancellor has been standing outside the door the entire time. I just sighed as I knew the jig was up. "Seems like he found out about us Neo." I said as she nodded. "It seems like we're gonna have to initiate Operation S a bit earlier than expect." I said as we left the door and made our way to the meeting room.

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