Shared Feelings

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This is a Male Reader x RWBY requested by wolf_king65.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was almost time for my mission. I neared the bullhead and noticed all of my friends had come to see me off. I was espically happy I saw Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang because I sorta had a crush on all of them.

Ruby: "Come back soon." She hugged me.

Weiss: "Stay safe out there." She hugged me.

Blake: "Don't do anything stupid." She hugged me.

Yang: "Stay alive for our sake." She hugged me.

(Y/N): "Don't worry girls I'll come back to you all I promise." I said hugging them back causing them all to blushed. I boarded the bullhead and waved goodbye as it lifted in the air. When I sat down I began to think of the girls. If I don't tell them about my feelings soon I'll regret it.

(Y/N): "When I get back I'll make sure to tell them how I feel." I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap before I arrived at my destination.

Timeskip - 4 Hours

I opened my eyes I noticed we were nearing the destination.

Pilot: "Huntsmen we are nearing the mission sight so prepare for landing." I nodded and held on to the railing as we touched the ground. The bullhead opened I noticed we had landed in a village. My feet carried me into the village and I was greet by the villagers and their chief.

Chief: "Are you the huntsmen from Beacon?" He questioned me.

(Y/N): "That I am sir. It is a pleasure to meet you." We shook hands. "Now tell me what seems to be the problem."

Chief: "As of late we have been running into trouble with Grim hoards at night so we need help exterminating them." A defeated sigh escaped his lips.

(Y/N): "Don't worry chief I'll get to work and start exterminating them." I said reassuring him. "Do you have any idea where they're coming from?"

Chief: "Our scouts have found a cave in the mountains that hold a lot of Grim so maybe that is where they originate from." I nodded.

(Y/N): "Okay, I'll head out there straight away." He thanked me profusely and I left the village. I made my way towards the mountain and made sure to kill any Grim along the way.

When I drew close to the mountains I noticed a rough side path leading up the mountain. I decided it was best to travers it as to not lose any time. I began to hear growling as I neared the top. My footsteps lighten as I walked so I wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention to myself. I reached the top of the mountain and noticed a rather large cave.

I perched myself atop a mount and looked into the cave. I counted at least 200 grim inside the cave.. I had to make sure to kill them before anymore of them reached the village. I decided it was best to kill as many as I could with my sniper from afar before I got in close. It's a good thing I attached that silencer before I left or things would have gotten messy real fast. When I got my sniper into position I served the area to see where I could pick some off without them noticing to much change.

I decided to start on the edge of the group and make my way inward. I zoomed in and waited for a beowolf to pop its head up. Once a head came up I pulled the trigger and watched its head exploded into bits and pieces and fall over. I repeated this action until I ran out of ammo.

I was able to kill 50 of them before I ran out of bullets. I placed the sniper on my back and unsheathed my twin Scimitars while I jumped down from the perch. When I jumped down I made sure to minimize the amount of noise until I got in close. The grim hoard began to notice me as I walked towards them. Guess it's time to start the show.

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