Kittens Make Everything Better

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This is a Cheater Weiss x Male Reader x Blake requested by waywardgaming.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was was a cold winters day and I was lucky enough to spend it with my friends. Especially my beautiful girlfriend Weiss. She made my world spin and she was the love of my life. We were having a party at the dorm and it was going great. It was nice to have a peaceful day.

The only problem that was present was my relationship with Weiss. She was growing distant from. She would cancel dates and ignore me. She was hanging out with her friends a lot more.

She hung out a lot with Neptune. I had my suspicions so I kept an eye on them during the part. Neptune decided to leave early and unfortunately so did Weiss.

They left and I began to tail them. While I tailed them I noticed they were holding hands. I was about to confront them when my world shattered Weiss pulled Neptune into a kiss.

I lost it and ran towards Neptune at full speed. I rammed him in the side and sent him to the ground.

Weiss: "What are you doing (Y/N)?!?!" I ignored her shocked cry and stood ready to fight.

Neptune quickly recovered and went on the offensive. He ran at me with a left hook that I easily blocked and countered with a punch to his face. Every move he made I countered with ease. I barely broke a sweat and he stood there bloody and bruised.

I caught his last punch and twisted his wrist until I heard a satisfying crack. I watched him writhe in pain for a bit then knocked him out cold with a swift kick to the face. I turned to Weiss and she look at me with fear and guilt.

Weiss: "What the hell did you do that for?" She asked me.

(Y/N): "Don't play dumb with me Weiss. I know what I saw. I had my suspicions as to why you were growing distant from me, but I didn't want this to be it." I had a bitter taste in my mouth. "Why did you do it Weiss? I gave you everything didn't I?" The sadness grew within me as every silent moment passed. Weiss didn't respond and looked down in shame.

(Y/N): "So it's like that isn't it. Well I'm through being your plaything. I never want to see you again. Goodbye Weiss." She didn't even shed a single tear when I turned around. It just proved that she never truly loved me. I decided I would find peace in the quiet library.

While I walked I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me. I finally shrugged it off and entered the library. I just wanted to be alone and cry my heart out. I sat at the farthest table and wrapped my arms around head. I sat there crying silently. Someone tapped my shoulder.

(Y/N): "I already told you Weiss. I don't want to see you anymore." I said.

Blake: "I'm pretty sure I'm not Weiss." She chuckled. I looked up and noticed Blake and to my surprise she had her bow off.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry Blake I didn't know it was you." She sat down next to me and wiped away my tears.

Blake: "I saw what happened (Y/N). What she did to you was horrible." She told me.

(Y/N): "Its okay. I just wasn't a good enough boyfriend." Blake got mad when I said that.

Blake: "You were no way, shape, or form a bad boyfriend. In fact your were the complete opposite. You were the best boyfriend. You're so kind, sweet, caring, loving, and considerate. Why Weiss would cheat on you is beyond me. Personal I think she lost out on the best thing in her life." She calmed down after a few breaths.

(Y/N): "If only that were true Blake then maybe she wouldn't have cheated on me." I must sound so pitiful right now.

Blake: "Not only is it true, but I'm going to prove it to you." She retorted.

(Y/N): "Blake how can you possibly pro-" She cut me off by slamming her lips onto mine. We both melted into the kiss and pulled one another closer. We pulled away due to lack of breath and she smiled.

Blake: "I love you (Y/N). Ever since I found out you have no hate towards faunus I began to like you and when I saw you stand up for Velvet I just couldn't help but fall for you." I held her tight while she burrowed her head into the crook of my neck.

(Y/N): "Thank you Blake for loving a fool like me. I guess kittens do make everything better." I scratched her ears and she purred into my neck.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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