A Mentors Heart, A Students Love

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This is a Male Mentor Reader x Pyrrha requested by Futuralist. He also gave me the story idea. Just a FYI you are a few years older than Pyrrha.

Third Person POV

What is a student to a mentor? That student is a vessel in which a mentor may fill with their knowledge in order for that student to grow and learn.

What is a mentor to a student? That mentor is a well of knowledge in which the student will nurish their mind and body with.

(Y/N) understood these concepts well. Many have sought to be his student, but none were worthy. That was until one day a girl with hair of fiery red and eyes of emerald gemstones appeared at his dojo.

(Y/N)'s POV

My mind was completely void of though, my body was still as an unmoving statue, and tranquility reigned over my dojo with an iron grasp. It was short lived as a knock was heard from my door.

(Y/N): "Enter." I said as I heard the door slide open. I stood and turned to be greeted by a girl with red hair and emerald eyes. She drew deep breaths signifying she had walked quiet a distance.

Girl: "Are you *pant* Master (Y/N)?" She questioned me still trying to calm her breathing.

(Y/N): "Yes." I said moving over to my weapon rack. My hand hovered over a slim javelin.

Pyrrha: "My name is Pyrrha Nikos and I wish to become your student." She said with a respectful bow. My hand took hold of the javelin. Once she stood I walked towards her and tossed it to her. She was caught off guard as she fumbled with it for it to only clatter to the ground.

(Y/N): "Just like those before, you shall be tested to see if you are worthy." I said as she quickly picked up the javelin. Her form was sloppy and she could barely hold the javelin in her hands. "If you are able to land a single hit on me then I will take you as my student." I said as she stood at the ready. "Begin." I commanded as she charged me with her weapon. I easily side stepped her attack as she tumbled to the ground from her momentum. She got up with the javelin in her hand and charged once again. This time I grabbed it and ripped it from her hands while I pushed her away. She got to her knees and began to breath heavily. "You should quit now." I said as she pounded her fist into the floor.

Pyrrha: "I will never quit!!!" She shouted getting to her feet. "I've come to far to go back now!!! I will succeed and I will become your student!!!" She said looking at me in the eyes. Her eyes held a will of fire in them. I couldn't help but smile at that flame that I once held within myself. She got into a fighting stance as I took my own.

(Y/N): "Interesting." I said before she rushed me. Her form was still sloppy, but had sharpened a bit. I dodged every single punch and kick she tried to land. She grew more and more frustrated as time went on. I jumped back from a kick and examined her. She was shaking and her breath was hitched meaning she didn't have enough energy. She rushed me one last time as I stood ready. Before she reached me she dropped low and brought her fist upwards with tremendous speed. I moved back only for her fist to barely graze my chin. A smile appeared across her face at her victory.

Pyrrha: "I....did....it.." She said before her knees gave way. She feel into my arms as she rested against me. Her eyes were closed signaling she had passed out from exhaustion.

(Y/N): "You did well....my student." I said. I lifted her body gently and brought her to a bed in the next room. She laid there comfortablely as I sat in the chair next to her.

Timeskip - 2 Hours

Pyrrha's POV

My eyes opened to be greeted by a wooden ceiling. I tried to sit up only for my muscles to ache.

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