A Mute and A Goddess

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This is a Mute Bullied Male Reader x Pyrrha requested by Brave_Vesperia. Also you will be talking in sign language just an FYI.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was quite nervous when I passed through the school gates. My hands we shaking slightly and my feet were wobbly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to the side to see Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: "It's alright to be nervous (Y/N)." His voice held a reassuring tone. "I know being mute will be a challenge, but rest assured that everything has been taken care of. I even have someone to help translate what you say."

A small smile graced my lips and I calmed myself. We walked into the school and I wonder who would be my translator. We reached the door and met a beautiful young lady. She had emerald eyes and long scarlet hair. I slightly blushed at her beauty, but calmed down after a second.

Ozpin: "This is Pyrrha Nikos. Pyrrha this is (Y/N) (L/N)." He ushered me forward to greet her.

(Y/N): "So you know sign language?"

Pyrrha: "I do." She said. "And I also know how to speak it." When she signed her last sentence I grew a wide smile.

(Y/N): "I guess this school won't be so bad." She chuckled along with me.

Ozpin: "Now that introductions are out of the way it's time for you to meet your classmates." He opened the door and we all walked in.. "I'm sorry for interrupting Professor Port, but we have a new student."

Port: "Not a problem at all. Please come in and introduce yourself." We walked to the center and faced everyone.

Ozpin: "A thing you must know about this student is that he's mute." Gasps could be heard from multiple people. "Miss Nekos has personally volunteered to be his translater."

Everyone around us clapped in applause to both me and Pyrrha. Professor Ozpin moved out of the way and gave us the floor. I began signing my words and Pyrrha translated for me.

Pyrrha: "He says: Hello everyone, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and as you can tell I am mute. Even though I cannot talk I hope we can all get along and become great friends. I also wish to thank Pyrrha for being my translator."

Port: "Well signed young man." He roughly patted me on the back. "Now please sit in the empty seat neck to Miss Nekos." I followed Pyrrha to our seats and sat down. While Professor Port rambled about his adventures, Pyrrha and I signed to each other.

(Y/N): "Is he always like this?"

Pyrrha: "He is."

(Y/N): "Really, now I wish I was deaf to." She chuckled at the sly joke. I liked hearing her laugh. It was soft and warm. It was contagious too so I just laughed along. When the bell finally rang we got up and went to lunch. We grabbed our trays and went to a table with people.

???: "Hi Pyrrha and (Y/N)." The girl had black hair with red tips.

Pyrrha: "Hello." We sat down and she introduce me to her friends. "(Y/N) this is Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Nora."

Nora: "So (Y/N), did you ever break anyone's legs??" I shook my head and she looked disappointed.

Yang: "Alright, I'm gonna address the elephant in the room. Were you always mute?" Blake gasped and hit her upside the head.

Blake: "You can't just ask someone that Yang!!" She yelled and I waved my hands in front of myself trying to stop the argument. It work as they all looked at me.

(Y/N): "Pyrrha can you translate for me?" She nodded and my story began.

Pyrrha: "He says: "I don't mind telling you guys my story. I wasn't always a mute. When I was a child I was the same just like everyone else. I laughed, I talked, and I sang just like most people. The only problem was school." Everyone looked at me worried. "Everytime I went to school I was picked on. Everytime they picked on me I cried for help and the teachers would come. Until one day, a bully had enough of my screaming."

Everyone was worried sick at this point. I shook my head and showed a smile. This seemed to ease them a little. I nodded at Pyrrha and the story continued

Pyrrha: "He says: "One day a bully brought knife to the school. When I cried for help, he took the knife and stabbed my neck." I pulled my shirt collar down and revealed the scar. "The doctors told me it had pierced my voice box and I would never talk again. The bully who had the knife was sent to prison and the rest of my life was basically a living hell. Since I couldn't scream I had to take the beatings."

Everyone looked as if they were about to cry. The sense of dread and sorrow was almost overwhelming. I nodded once again so we could finish the story.

Pyrrha: "He says: "But don't feel bad or sorry for me, because through it all I became stronger and a better person. There were times where I thought things were impossible, but I overcame them and got to where I am now." When I finished everyone gave me soft applause. It caused me to smile at the gesture.

Ren: "A true warrior." He patted my back and I became embarrassed. We made small chit chat while we ate. This school was gonna be different.

Timeskip - 2 Months

A bird flew near me while I sat in the tree's shade. I outstretched my finger and he landed on it. He chirped happily while I softly pet him. Two months I've know this little guy. He would always fly up to me without fear or a care in the world

Two months huh? It really doesn't seem that long. In two short months I've made friends despite being mute. Cardin was my new bully, but he got beat to a pulp before he could try. Pyrrha was the one who knocked him around the most.. She was very protective of me. At first I thought it was because of my story and how I was a mute, but as time went on I knew it wasn't that.

She protected me because she didn't want to see me hurt. For a while I thought she might have loved me. Oum knows I loved her, but I'm pretty sure she would rather a guy who could talk. Crunching grass pulled me from my thoughts. Pyrrha day next to me while I kept petting my little friend.

Pyrrha: "He must really like you." I shrugged my shoulders. I gesture he to opened her hand and she did. I brought my finger close to hand and the bird jumped into her palm chirping happily.

(Y/N): "He seems to like you to." She shrugged her shoulder in response. The little bird took flight and left us alone.

Pyrrha: "So what were you thinking about this time?" She asked.

(Y/N): "How it's been 2 months already. How it's been 2 months since I came to this school. Since I made friends. Since I met you." She blushed at my remark.. "I still remember that time 6 weeks ago when Cardin tried to bully me. You guys didn't let him anywhere near me. You had him running for the hills when he saw you." We laughed at the fond memory. "Can I ask you something Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha: "What is it (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Why are you protective of me?" Her face went deep red at the question.

Pyrrha: "I don't know how to say it."

(Y/N): "Then sign it." She nodded and sign her words.

Pyrrha: "It's embarrassing to say this, but the reason why I'm so protective is because you are such a great person even though your a mute." I scooted closer to her. "You're always so thoughtful and caring even though you had every right to be the opposite." She hung her head while signing the last part. "I couldn't help but protect the man I fell in love with."

I tapped her head and she looked up. I brought our lips together and all I could feel was happiness. I just wanted to be by her side no matter what. After a couple of seconds we parted slowly. I wrapped her in a tight embrace and we leaned against the tree. My hand hovered in front of us and formed a half heart. She took her hand and did the same which completed it.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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