Crazy Shyness

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This is a Yandere Ruby x Shy Male Reader x Yandere Blake requested by megaman099115. This is gonna be a ride people so buckle up. Also I suck at yandere stories.

(Y/N)'s POV

My heart was racing as I stood at the classroom door. I was sweating so much I could feel it drip down my face. I looked at my hands only to see them shaking. I was so nervous. Would anyone like me? Would I be able to make friends? My mind raced until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my left to see Professor Ozpin with a smile.
Ozpin: "I know this is a big step (Y/N) but it is one you must take if you are to break out of your shell." He said as I nodded still scared. "I know you can do it. You're a tough young man." He said as I slowly calmed myself. He was right I can do this.
(Y/N): "I-I-I'll try Professor." I said stuttering as he nodded. He walked up to the door and knocked on it slightly. Within a few seconds a man with green hair answered the door.
Ozpin: "I have arrived with your new student Professor Oobleck." He said. The man looked at Ozpin with a sour look.
Oobleck: "It's Doctor Oobleck. So this must the new student (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked as I shyly waved at him as he just sighed. "Well come on in and introduce yourself to the class then." He said as I swallowed hard. Professor Oobleck opened the door as Professor Ozpin walked in. I slowly followed in and kept my head slightly down. I then stopped in the middle of the room with the Professors.
Ozpin: "Hello my students. I would like you all to welcome a new student to the school." He said as I heard whispers all around me. He patted my shoulder slightly. "Go on (Y/N)." He said as I walked forward a bit and slowly moved my head upwards. I saw so many people and felt so many eyes on me I though I was gonna have a panic attack right then and there. I slowly breath in and out as I finally let out a sigh.
(Y/N): "M-My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I-I-I hope we can all get a-along." I said as I saw multiple people smile at me. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw those smiles.
Oobleck: "Now that intoductions are out of the way please go sit on the fifth row in the empty seat." He said as I slightly nodded. I moved up to the row and found the empty seat between a girl with a black bow in her hair and a girl wearing a red cape. I slowly made my way to them and sat in the empty seat. As I sat down they both looked at me and smiled.
Ruby: "So your name is (Y/N)?" She questioned as I nodded slightly. "My name is Ruby Rose." She said politely.
Blake: "My name is Blake Belladonna." She said politely.
(Y/N): "N-Nice to m-meet you." I said stuttering which caused them to both giggle.
Ruby: "Ahh no need to be nervous around us. Right Blake?" She questioned as Blake nodded.
Blake: "Even though it is rather cute." She said which caused me to blush a deep crimson. They both giggled again as they saw my face change color.
Ruby: "Say I just got an idea. Since you're new here how about Blake and I show you around Beacon?" She said as she got closer to be. I felt my heart beat faster as she got closer.
Blake: "What do you say (Y/N)?" She said as she also grew closer to me. My heart began to beat even faster then before. I never had friends before so maybe I should.
(Y/N): "Uh-uh-uh s-s-sure." I said stuttering. I then felt both of them plants kisses on my cheeks which made my face turn a pure dark red. They both giggled at my embarrassment.
Both: "It's a date then." They said in unison as I just gulped. God help me.

Ruby & Blake's Mind

Both: "(Y/N)-senpei is ours." They both thought.

(Y/N)'s POV

The bell rang signaling that class is over.
Oobleck: "Now remember to study class." He said as people began to leave. I slowly stood up as Ruby and Blake did. We all exited the classroom but when we walked down the hallway they surprised me again. Ruby grabbed my left arm and clung to it as Blake clung tightly to my right arm. I felt my face heat up not only because they were clinging to my arm but also because the were holding them between their breasts as we walked.
Ruby: "How about we head to the cafeteria and get some food first before we start the tour?" She asked me.
Blake: "That sounds like a wonderful idea. What do you thing (Y/N)-senpei?" She questioned.
(Y/N): "I-I-I could go for s-some food." I said stuttering as they both giggled at my shyness. After a few more minutes we finally reached the cafeteria. We opened the door to reveal a massive room filled with tables and people sitting at them. I felt my heart beat quicken at the sight of this. There were so many people there I though I was gonna pass out. I swallowed hard as the three of us moved to the lunch line. While walking there a lot of guys stared at me. Even though I could see some of them I still felt their eyes boar into my skull. We quickly grabbed our food and made our way to a table with some people.
???: "Hey sis." Said a blonde haired girl.
Ruby: "Oh hey Yang." She said unenthusiastic.
Yang: "So who's the new guy?" She asked.
Blake: "This is (Y/N)-senpei." She said with a slight chu in her voice.
Yang: "Well beside these three love birds." She said which caused my face to heat up even more. "I'm Yang Xiao Long. I'm Ruby's sister. This is Weiss Schnee, Jaune Ark, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren." She said pointing to each person.
Weiss: "Greetings." She said politely.
Jaune: "Sup." He said.
Pyrrha: "Hello." She said chipper.
Nora: "Let's break legs!!" She said loudly.
Ren: "Salutations." He said.
(Y/N): "U-U-Um h-hi." I said stuttering causing Blake and Ruby to giggle once again. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." I said as Ruby and Blake squeezed my arms further into their breasts. My heart was already pounding but when they did this I'm pretty sure anyone could hear how fast it was beating.
Yang: "So sis any reason why handsome here has you and Blake around his arms?" She asked as I felt Ruby tighten her grip around my arm.
Ruby: "We just wanted to make sure he doesn't get lost." She said scooting closer to me. "And you don't mind right (Y/N)?" She asked.
(Y/N): "N-N-Not at a-a-all." I said as the girls once again chuckled at my embarrassment.
Yang: "Alrighty. Whatever you say Rubes." She said shrugging her shoulders.
Blake: "Well now that everyone knows each other how about we eat." She said as we all nodded. I reached for my spoon until Ruby grabbed it for me.
(Y/N): "R-R-Ruby?" I questioned as she looked at me innocently.
Ruby: "I just thought maybe I could feed you?" She said a bit shyly. When she said this my mind went blank. I couldn't form any words so I just slightly nodded. She smiled and scooped up some soup in the spoon. "Okay now say aww." She said as I opened my mouth. She shoveled the soup in my mouth as I swallowed it.
Blake: "That's not fair Ruby." She said with a sad tone.
Ruby: "Well we could take turns feeding him." She said as my mind just shut off at that point. "If (Y/N)-senpei is okay with it." She said as they both blushed while looking at me. I still couldn't find the words so I just simply nodded. They both looked at me with giant smiles as they took turns feeding me. After a few minutes the three of us finished eating.
Blake: "Would you like to tour the school now that we finished (Y/N)-senpei?" She said as my mind finally started working again.
(Y/N): "S-S-S-Sure." I said as they continued to giggle. "It was n-n-nice meeting you a-a-all." I said as the three of us got up and left.

RWBY x Male Reader (Request Book)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن