A Dragon and A Thorn

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This is a Cheater Ruby x Male Dovahkin Reader requested by TheUchihaWriter. We be dragonborn peoples.

(Y/N)'s POV

My mind wandered while I walked the hallowed halls of Beacon. I was mostly thinking about my relationship with Ruby. The past few weeks have been rough. She'd cancel dates, go days without talking, and leave me alone.

I finally snapped out of my thoughts when I found myself in front of Ruby's dorm. I decided I need to finally talk to her about this whole situation. My hand grabbed the doorknob, but stopped when I heard voices.

Weiss: "You really shouldn't be doing this to (Y/N) Ruby."

Ruby: "And why not?" A sense of dread filled my heart.

Yang: "Why!? Because it isn't fair to him!!"

Ruby: "Fair?! He haven't even made a move yet!!"

Blake: "But cheating on him?" My heart grew even heavier.

Ruby: "What he doesn't know won't hurt him right?" My heart finally shattered and I felt it all. Sadness. Betrayal. Hurt. Anger. I let my emotions fuel me and I took a deep breath.

(Y/N): "Fus Ro Dah!!!" The door came off its hinges and scared everyone in the room. I walked in with tears in my eyes. "How could you Ruby?!"

Ruby: "It not what you think (Y/N)!!" She quickly jumped off her bed and stood in front of me. She tried to hug me but I pushed her away.

(Y/N): "I heard everything you said Ruby. Was I not good enough for you? Did I not treat you like a queen?" She didn't have anything to say. All she did was cry in front of me.

Ruby: "Please." Her eyes begged me to forgive her but I can't.

(Y/N): "I see." I turned around and walked out the door. My eyes caught one last glimpse of her. "Goodbye."

Ruby: "(Y/N) wait!!"

(Y/N): " Wuld Nah Kest." I whirlwind sprinted out of Beacon and into the city of Vale.

Timeskip - Vale

Not a single soul could be seen walking the streets of Vale. I decided to go to the park. The moonlight was the only light source I had. I sat on nearby bench and stared at the moon.

I sat in silence letting the breeze wash over me. I looked towards the pond close by. That was where I asked Ruby to be my girlfriend. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.


Ruby and I stood at the edge of the park pond. It was such a beautiful scene. The sun dance like fire against the water's surface.

Ruby: "This pond is so beautiful." Two geese slowly swam close to one another. They placed there heads against one another and made a heart shape. "They must be in love. Don't you think so (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "They sure look like it." Ruby looked at them with a smile. "Hey Ruby?"

Ruby: "Yeah (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I have a confession to make."

Ruby: "What is it (Y/N)?" My hand found its way into her's and she blushed a light pink.

(Y/N): "For the longest time I've had a crush on you Ruby. You're so energetic and fun to be around, your personality is one of a kind, and I couldn't help but fall for you." She blushed a deep red while smiling. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ruby: "Of course I will!!" She jumped at me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. She looked up at me and pressed her lips softly against mine. The feeling of her lips were pure bliss. After a couple more seconds we broke apart. We walked back to Beacon hand-in-hand happily.

End of Flashback

A dampness could be felt against my cheek when I came back to my senses. I wiped the tears from my face and sighed. It was time for me to go. My feet carried me to an open field where I looked into the sky.

(Y/N): "OD AH VIING!!" A few minutes passed by and Odahviing landed next to me.

Odahviing: "Hello Dovahkin."

(Y/N): "Hello Odahviing."

Odahviing: "What is it you need of me Dovahkin?"

(Y/N): "I wish to leave Vale for the time being. If it is no trouble please bring me to the Paarthurnax."

Odahviing: "It is no trouble at all Dovahkin."

???: "(Y/N)!!!!!" I turned to see Ruby running towards me. She wrapped her arms and buried her face into my chest. Her tears could be felt.

(Y/N): "Let go Ruby."

Ruby: "Please (Y/N). I made a mistake. A horrible mistake. I know I can't undo what I did but please forgive me." I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and we stood there.

(Y/N): "I forgive you Ruby but for now I must leave."

Ruby: "When will you come back?"

(Y/N): "I do not know but we will meet again one day." We let go and I climbed onto the back of Odahviing. Ruby moved back Odahviing took to the sky. My eyes never left Ruby until I couldn't see her anymore. We will meet again one day Ruby Rose.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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