A Robot, A Man, and A Bunny

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This is a Fulgore Killer Instinct Male Reader x Velvet requested by KyleBradleyFernandez.

(Y/N)'s POV

How long has it been? How long has it been since Atlas kidnapped me? How long has my body been encased in this metal? I've lost track of the time. My mind snapped to attention when I heard the sounds of footsteps.

Scientist: "Fulgore start up activate." My 'body' tilted its head upwards. I came to life and regained my sight. I looked through these red slots I called eyes and noticed the scientist and several others behind glass. "Commence basic protacal." My 'body' moved on its own around the room doing tasks. Afterward I stopped in the middle. "Good now deactivate." He said, but I willed myself to stay up. He grew angry at this. "Fulgore deactivate!!" I refused.

He grew so mad to the point he entered the room and left the door open. I sliced him clean in half with my claws. The alarm went off and I made a break for the door only to be met with Atlas infantry. I was going to leave no matter what so I prepared my ultimate attack.

I overclocked my internal power core and opened my chest plate. I shot forth a powerful laser that disintegrated the infantry and blew a hole in the wall behind them . I ran through the hole and into the forest.

Timeskip - 1 Week

I ventured through the forest at a sluggish pace. My 'body' was losing power due to me not have a constant power source. I made it to a clearing and fell to my knees. I could hear footsteps closings in on me. Before I could see who it was my 'body' powered down and I slipped into the void.

Ozpin's POV

Team CFVY and I ventured through the forest and came across a rather unusual sight. A robot in the middle of the field. I walked towards it and signaled them to come over.

Velvet: "Professor what is this thing?" I crouched down to get a closer look at the robot. My eyes widened when I saw the word 'Fulgore' inscribed on the back of its neck in the metal.

Ozpin: "Oum dammit James." I mumbled under my breath. I stood up and pulled out my scroll. "I need a bullhead pick up ASAP." I hung up my scroll and placed it

Coco: "What's the matter Professor?" She asked worried.

Ozpin: "I will explain later, but for now we must bring this robot with us." I turned to see the bullhead landing. We loaded the robot onto it and made our way to Beacon.

Timeskip - Infirmary

We all stood in the infirmary and stared at the robot in front of us. I circled the robot trying to find the panel. I looked on the back of his head and found it.

Ozpin: "Miss Scarlatina if you don't mind please stand in front of the robot and hold out your arms as if you were about to catch someone falling." She did so with a confused look. I accessed the panel and punched in a certain code. The robot released its locks and steam came out.

I walked to the front and witness the metal casing open up. It opened to reveal  a young man wearing shorts with (h/l) (h/c) hair and defined features. He fell out of the robot and into Miss Scarlatina's arms. I instructed her to place him on the nearby bed.

Velvet: "Why was he in that thing Professor?!?" She was worried about the young man.

Ozpin: "He was the unfortunate soul of the Fulgore Program." I told them.

Fox: "The Fulgore Program?" He questioned.

Ozpin: "A program Atlas created in order to make the perfect robot solider from the body and mind of a human being. This young man was the unfortunate victim." They all looked at me in complete shock. Velvet was first to recover from the information.

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