Speedsters Meet

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This is a Reverse Flash Male Reader x Ruby requested by Edis_Comic.

(Y/N)'s POV

I ran down the streets of Motropolis carrying bags of money on my back. I kept on going until I ran into someone. The money fell to the ground along with me. I looked up to see Superman eyeing me down.

Superman: "You know you can't run." I got to my feet and smiled.

(Y/N): "That's what you think." I quickly gathered the money and bolted past him. I decided to tap into the speed force and see where I ended up. While running my body gathered electricity and got teleported.

A tearing sound came from being me. I looked behind and noticed that the bag had completely ripped causing the money to fly out and into the void. At this point I decided to leave the speed force. A new scenery formed and I was standing in a lush forest.

(Y/N): "I swear if there are dinosaurs again I'm gonna make them go extinct before the meteor does." I walked around the forest until I heard voices. I cleared the brush and found two girls arguing. One of them wore read while the other wore yellow.

Red: "I told you to bring a map Yang and since you didn't we got lost!!!"

Yang: "It's not that bad Ruby." I made my way to them.

(Y/N): "You girls lost?" They jumped and turned around to face me.

Yang: "Who are you?" She got into a fighting position. I put my hands up in the air.

(Y/N): "Tkae it easy hot head. I'm hear to help not cause trouble." She returned to a normal stance, but kept an eye on me. "I'm (Y/N)."

Ruby: "In Ruby Rose and miss hot head here is my sister Yang Xaio Long. We're kind lost so we could use the held.." She asked as I nodded.

(Y/N): "So where is your house?"

Ruby: "On top of a hill next to a field. Why?"

(Y/N): "Be right back." I bolted right past them and up the nearby mountain side. My eyes scanned the area and located their house. I turned and ran my way back to them. "You guys are a long way from home." Their faces were in complete shock. "What?"

Yang: "I think he might have your speed beat Ruby."

Ruby: "Nope, I'm the fastest."

(Y/N): "So you're a speedster?"

Ruby: "I don't know what that is, but I can go really fast." She struck a silly pose and I chuckled. "So did you find the house?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Yang: "Cool, can you tell us which direction?"

(Y/N): "How about I just run you guys there?" They thought about it for a second before nodded. I moved close to the two and instructed Yang to get on my back. She did so as I picked up Ruby bridal style causing her to blush. "Hang on."

I bolted in the direction of the house. After a couple of seconds we arrived at the house. Yang fell off my back while I gently placed Ruby down. A man came out from the house and ran towards us. He crushed Ruby in a hug.

Man: "Where have you girls been?!? I've been worried sick!!"

Ruby: "Yeah Yang forgot the map, but thanks to (Y/N) we were able to make it home." The man let go of Ruby and walked up to me with an extended hand.

Tai: "I'm Taiyang Xaio Long their father." I shook his hand with a smile.

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N) Reverse Flash." I said as we let our hands go.

Tai: "I want to thank you for bringing back the girls."

(Y/N): "Its no problem." I turned around and began to walk.

Ruby: "You're leaving already?" Her expression saddened.

(Y/N): "Gotta find someplace to sleep before it gets dark." I got in a stance and was ready to run.

Ruby: "Wait!" I got out of my stance and turned around. She whispered in her dad's ear and he just smiled while chuckling.

Tai: "Well instead of trying to find a placed how about you spend a few days with us as thanks for helping Yang and Ruby."

(Y/N): "Thank you, but I don't want to be a bother."

Tai: "No bother at all. We have plenty of space." He said as I thought for a moment.

(Y/N): "If you're okay with it then I guess I'll stay." He smiled and Ruby jumped in joy. We all entered the house.

Timeskip - 3 Days

I sat under the tree watching Yang and Tai train. A red blur flashed in front of me. I noticed it was Ruby with her beautiful smile.

Ruby: "I wanna race (Y/N)." She said.

(Y/N): "No you don't." I said causing her to pout a little.

Ruby: "Scared you're gonna be beat by a girl?" I felt my eye twitch a little.

(Y/N): "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." We both lined up next to the tree and waited. The wind blew against our backs and bolted past Tai and Yang. She was fast, but not fast enough.

We ran around the field and circled the entire plain. I got to the house first and slowed down at the tree. I was fine until Ruby ran into me causing us to fall. My back hit the ground and she landed on top of me.

Ruby: "Ow!" She said while rubbing her head.

(Y/N): "You okay?" Yang started chanting something I'm the distance.

Yang: "Ruby and (Y/N) under the tree K-I-S-S-I-" She sang until Tai smacked her upside the head. Ruby and I looked at each other and our faces turned bright red seeing the positions we were in. She jumped off me and stood up.

Ruby: "I'm so sorry (Y/N)!!" She said.

(Y/N): "It's fine. At least you're okay Ruby." Her face deepened another shade of red. She ran off to Yang and started to chase her while Tai walked over to me.

Tai: "You okay?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm fine." I said while dusting off my pants. "What's up with Yang and that song?" Tai's face deadpanned.

Tai: "So you don't have the slightest clue do you?" I shock my head slightly. He took a breath and sighed. "Think about it for a minute. What does that song mean?"

(Y/N): "Well it's a song for love birds who-" I stopped mid sentence and face palmed. This caused Tai to laugh with joy. "So she?" Tai placed his hand on my shoulder.

Tai: "She likes you. And you seem like an okay guy. So go ahead." He winked and walked away. I like Ruby too, but I didn't know what to do. My brain began to think a mile a minute until Ruby appeared in front of me. This caused me to jump.

(Y/N): "Jesus Ruby don't do that!!!" I screamed with my hand over my heart as she just laughed.

Ruby: "Ha ha ha. Well that's what you get for zoning out." She calmed down from her laughing. My breathing returned to normal and I asked Ruby a question. I already knew the answer to this one.

(Y/N): "So did you find out why Yang was singing that song?" Her face grew a deep red. She began waving her hands frantically and talking fast.

Ruby: "Nope, nothing at all. I don't know why. Yang is Yang. Let's talk about something else."

(Y/N): "Ruby." I crossed my arms.

Ruby: "Fine. She sang that song because I li-" She tried to finish, but I pressed my lips against hers cutting her off. She let out a happy squeak while melting into it. After a minute we separated with smiles on our faces.

(Y/N): "I already know.. And if you want more you gotta catch me." I bolted past her into the field. I turned around to see her hot on my tail. This is gonna be fun.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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