Ice and Smoke

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This is a Smoke Reader x Weiss requested by KyleBradleyFernandez.

(Y/N)'s POV

Grandmaster: "Find that which you have never known."

The words of the Grandmaster rang inside my head. What was I supposed to fin in myself? Snarls and the sound of a blade caught my attention. I ran towards the sounds and found a woman surrounded by beasts. I jumped next to her which startled her

Woman: "Who are you?" She asked worried.

(Y/N): "An ally." I stood ready for their attacks. "Where there is smoke there is fire!!" My body turned to smoke and passed through a beast. I materialized behind it and its body fell apart into multiple pieces. They all charged me at once so I decided to end it all in one attack.

I formed a giant ball of smoke and threw if towards the hoard. They vanished and started falling from the sky. My hand formed a mist blade and sliced them in one swing. Their bodies degraded into black smoke and disappeared.

My hand returned to normal and my attention turned to the woman. She was shocked at what she witnessed. I walked towards her and took note of her features. She wore mostly white clothing, had platinum white hair, and a pale complexion like the moon.

(Y/N): "Are you okay Miss?" She snapped back to reality and smiled.

Weiss: "I am. My name is Weiss. What might your name be?" I bowed slightly.

(Y/N): "I am (Y/N) a member of the Lin Kuei." Her expression turned to that of shock.. "Are you alright Weiss?"

Weiss: "The Lin Kuei?!? Led by Grandmaster Sub-Zero!?!" She said which shocked me.

(Y/N): "So you have heard of us?" She nodded her head.

Weiss: "I have actually. I do a lot of research." She said with a smile

(Y/N): "Then you know who I am correct?" She nodded once more.

Weiss: "Judging by your power you are The Grandmaster's most trusted ally Smoke." She shocked me even further by answering it correctly. She is a brilliant mind indeed.

(Y/N): "And with that you are correct Weiss." I said with another bow causing her to blush slightly.

Weiss: "And it seems you are a proper gentalman as well." I nodded my head at the compliment. "If you don't mind could you escort me back to Beacon Acadamy?"

(Y/N): "It would be an honor my lady." While walking we struck up a conversation. Her voice and laughter were pure. My heart would beat faster and faster with every word she spoke. What was wrong with me? When I was around her I felt different. The Grandmaster's words rang in my head once again.

Grandmaster: "Find that which you have never known."

Did he mean love? I never knew the feeling let alone how it felt, but when I was around Weiss I felt warmth and happiness. It was as if the burdens of my past were never there to begin with. We reached the front gates of Beacon and stopped to say our goodbyes.

(Y/N): "It was nice meeting you Weiss." I turned and began to walk away.

Weiss: "(Y/N) wait!" I stopped and turned to face her. "Would you like to join Beacon?" A blush spread across her face.

(Y/N): "I would love to, but I don't know how I would." She frowned at the realization.

Ozpin: "That has already been arranged." A man wearing a green suit walked from around a corner. " I am Professor Ozpin the Headmaster of Beacon. Your Grandmaster has already arranged your stay." I looked at him shocked, but realized that this was the Grandmaster's plan all along.

(Y/N): "Thank you Sir Ozpin." I said with a humble bow.

Ozpin: "Think nothing off it." He turned and walked away from us. I looked towards Weiss to see her smiling a beautiful smile.

Weiss: "Come on I'll show you around the school." She extended her hand towards me.

(Y/N): "Thank you." Her face blushed madly when my hand was in hers. We walked around the school hand in hand for the day.

Timeskip - 1 Week

It's been one week since I arrived at Beacon Academy. I sat on my bed deep in thought. I informed the Grandmaster of my progress and he was pleased. He said that as long as I remained fateful to the Lin Kuei I would be allowed to stay at Beacon. I was greatful since I have yet to confess my feelings to Weiss.

Over the past week we barely spent time apart. We knew everything about one another. From our happiest moments to our darkest secrets, but even though she accepted my horrible past I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I was snapped from my thoughts by a blushing Weiss sitting on the side of me on my bed.

(Y/N): "Oh hello Weiss. I'm sorry I was just thinking. What can I do for you?" Her fingers were fidgeting together nervously.

Weiss: "I h-h-have something to t-t-tell you." She stuttered which means she was rather nervous.

(Y/N): "You know you can tell me anything Weiss. I won't be mad." Her confidence boosted and she stopped disgusting

Weiss: "It's just I don't know how to tell you." She said nervously.

(Y/N): "Well if you can't tell me then can you show me?" This caused her to face to redden even darker.

Weiss: "F-F-Fine, but close y-y-your eyes." I obeyed her commanded and closed them. Minutes went by before I felt something soft press against my lips. I opened my eyes slightly to see Weiss kissing me gently. I closed my eyes once more and enjoyed the sensation of her soft lips pressing against mine. After a while she stopped and I opened my eyes. "I love you (Y/N). I've had these feelings for a while now. Do you feel the same?" I sat there quietly without answering. "I see. I'm sorry."

She sadly lifted herself off the bed and tried to leave. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to my chest. My lips pressed against hers and she melted into the kiss. I pulled our bodies closer and she wrapped her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. After a while we separated to catch our breath and I placed my head atop hers.

(Y/N): "Of course I feel the same way Weiss. I never knew what love was so I didn't know how to react. I didn't mean to make you sad." She rest her palm against my cheek and we stared into each other's eyes.

Weiss: "I'm glad I'm the one who showed you this feeling (Y/N). It did hurt a little when you stayed silent, but after what you did it destroyed any doubts I had." She let go of my cheek and nuzzled against my chest.

(Y/N): "I love you Weiss."

Weiss: "And I love you (Y/N)."

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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