Titans in Remnant

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This is a Male Cyborg Reader x Penny requested by Neoxpolxitan. Also I'm gonna bring the entire Teen Titans along as well. This is the first Teen Titan not that crappy ass Teen Titans Go shit.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I sat in my workshop finishing up my portal device the com on my wrist came to life. I grunted as I stopped what I was doing and lowerd my wrist. I then tapped the screen to answer the com.
(Y/N): "Cyborg." I said into the com.
Robin: "This is Robin. Can you read me Cyborg?" He said in a hushed voice.
(Y/N): "I read you Robin what's the situation?" I said.
Robin: "I've located a base of Slade's and I need you to gather the team." He said quietly. "I'm sending you my corridnates." He said as they popped up on my wrist giving me the location.
(Y/N): "Alright I'll get the team. Cyborg out." I said as I pressed the com and it ended. I then began to tap on it again and then I spoke. "Come in Titans do you read me." I said as I waited for a second.
Beastboy: "Loud and clear Cy." He said.
Raven: "What's the problem?" She said.
Starfire: "Yes what seems to be the problem friend Cyborg?" She asked.
(Y/N): "Robin needs us. He found a base controlled by Slade and needs backup. Sending the corridnates now." I said as I pressed my wrist and sent them the corridnates. "Cyborg out." I said as I pressed my com and it went dead. As I lowered my wrist I got up from my chair and grabbed my portal gun and attached it to my right arm. After a few seconds of it adjusting to my hand I pointed it forward and shot it. After a few seconds a portal appeared in front of me. I then switched my hand back to normal as the portal gun dissapeared into my arm. "Here goes nothing." I said as I walked through the portal not knowing what to expect.


Location- ???

As I stepped out of the portal I was blinded by a ray of sunlight. I then shielded my eyes as I let them adjust. After a few seconds I put my hand down and looked around to see I was in a lush forest.
(Y/N): "This is what I get for not testing it. I end up in the Amazon." I said as I lifted my wrist and activated my com. "Titans come in." I said as I waited for a response but nothing was heard except for static. "Raven. BB. Star. Robin. Do you guys hear me?" I said as there was still no response. "Just great." I said as I clicked my com off and began to use the computer on my wrist to try and figure out where I am. "Computer I need a location on where I am." I said.
Computer: "One moment please." It said as I waited for the results. After a minute a red X appeared on the screen. "Location Unknown." It said as I looked at it dumbfounded.
(Y/N): "What do you mean Location Unknown?" I said as it spoke again.
Computer: "There is no known records of this location or planet." It said which shocked me.
(Y/N): "Wait so we aren't on Earth anymore?!?" I asked as another red X popped up on the screen. I just sighed as I just shook my head. "Computer run a scan of the area a-" I tired to say before an alarm system went off in my head.I then turn around and transformed my hand into my tractor cannon. As I turned I fired a beam that cut a beast in half that was about to attack me. As it fell to the ground it began to turn into black mist.
Computer: "More hostile inbound!!" It said as I heard howls in the distance. After a couple more seconds more of them emerged from the bushes and surrounded me.
(Y/N): "Well isn't this fun." I said as I transformed my other hand into a tractor cannon. It was then one of the beasts rushed me. I aimed my cannon at him and sent out another beam which dicentergrated it completely and some of the beasts behind it as well. At the sight of this the beasts grew angry and charged me all at one. As they charged me I transformed my right hand into a giant metal club and got ready for the fight. Three of them jumped up and tried to pounce me but ended up meeting my club midway causing their heads to explode from the impact. I then got another alert in my head as I jumped up nearly being bit by one of them. I then point my cannon at its head as I fell. I shot another beam that went right through its skull killing it instantly. As my feet touched the ground I dropped to my back to avoid another one that flew right over me. I then swung my club to the right killing two more in the process. I stopped for a second to look to see how many were left and I'll just say I couldn't count. This isn't good and I'm starting to get exhausted. I'm gonna have to use my trump card and pray it pays off. I then transformed my club back to a tractor cannon and placed both cannons close to each other. After a second they both combined to make a mega tractor cannon. It's gonna take a few seconds to charge so I'm gonna have to dodge for now. As I finished the thought I jumped to the right to avoid a claw and then ducked to dodge one of them as they tried to bite me. After a couple more seconds the cannon finally got a full charge. One of them charged me so I saw this as my chance. I ran at him full speed and used his head so I could vault myself into the air. As I jumped off his head I cut a back flip and aimed my cannon into the crowd.
(Y/N): "Booyaa!!!" I shouted as I unleashed the cannons fire power. As I shot the beam it incinerated everything in a wide area leaving nothing but scrotched earth. As I fell to the ground my cannon transformed back into my hands and I landed with a thud. As I landed my knees buckled from under me and I fell on all fours breathing heavily. As my breathing began to slow I let out a sigh of relief. "Glad that's over." I said. It was then I heard more howls and my sweat drop. As the howling continued more of the beast exited from the outskirts of the tree line not hit by my beam. They then charged me with vengeance and bloodlust in their eyes. I tried my best to move but my body wouldn't let me. The machines built in my body were starting to shutdown and I felt weak. I guess this was it. I just closed my eyes and waited for the worst. As I waited I didn't hear anything. Just then the sound of whimpering and slashing were heard as I opened my eyes. I saw a girl with orange hair and a weird dress. She was somehow swinging swords around in midair. As she swung he swords one more time she finished killing the rest of them. After all was said and down her swords retracted into a sort of backpack on her back. She then turned to me and hastily walked towards me.
???: "Are you alright sir?" She asked worried.
(Y/N): "I don't have much time until I shutdown so I need you to listen carefully." I said as she nodded. "There is a power port in the back of my head. When my body fully shuts down I need you to bring my body somewhere and hook it up so it can recharge. Got it." I said as she nodded quickly. As I finished my vision began to slowly fade. As it faded I noticed the girl tap on a ear piece in her ear and began to talk frantically. I just hope she can keep my body safe and with that last thought darkness overtook me.

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