Lost and Found

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This is a Grim Reader x Ruby requested by Neoxpolxitan. They also gave me the story idea.

Ruby's POV

As the Grim kept coming I tried my best to stop the bleeding on (Y/N)'s side. As I kept pressure on the wound a Beowolf jumped into the air only to be shot down by Yang.
Yang: "Ruby we have to go!!!" She said as she kept firing shots into the crowd.
Ruby: "No, I'm not leaving (Y/N) behind!!!" I yelled as I kept trying to stop the bleeding. I then felt a hand wrap around mine.
(Y/N): "That's enough Ruby." He said as I looked down with tears in my eyes.
Ruby: "No, I won't let you die!!!" I yelled as the tears fell on his face.
(Y/N): "There's nothing you can do Ruby. I'm losing to much blood and at this rate you'll die with me." He said as he took my hands away from the wound and brought them to his lips. He then kissed my hands as I felt my heart break. "I love you Ruby. Thank you for everything." He said as Yang then picked me up. "Get her out of her Yang." He said as Yang began to run away as I struggled to get out of her grasps.
Ruby: "(Y/N)!!!!!" I yelled as I saw the Grim surround him. As Yang kept running I stopped struggling and faced reality. The man I loved was gone. I love you (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

As I floated in the darkness I felt nothing. It felt like a eternity until I heard a female voice.
???: "Arise my servant." The voice said as a blinding light erupted from the darkness and engulfed me. After a couple of minutes my eyes adjusted and I found myself in a room with a woman. She had gray hair, skin the color of ash, and red eyes.
(Y/N): "Is this heaven or hell?" I asked.
Salem: "I am Salem and you are in neither since you are still alive." She said. "Well brought back to life should I say."
(Y/N): "How?!?" I asked as she snapped her fingers causing a mirror to appear in front of me. As I looked at the mirror I noticed I was no longer human but instead a hybrid. My body was the same except I had thin lines of black fur along my body and some of my teeth were raplced with sharp fangs.
Salem: "I reincarnated you as a Grim hybrid for you to do my bidding." She said.
(Y/N): "Why me?!?" I said angry.
Salem: "Because I need you to kill a certain person that you are very close to." She said with a evil grin. Who was the person I had to kill? I began to think until it finally hit me.
(Y/N): "No!!!" I said.
Salem: "Yes, you will hunt down Ruby Rose." She said.
(Y/N): "You can't make me." I said as I ran towards the door behind her. As I was about to reach the door she snapped her fingers and my body stopped moving. "Why can't I move?" I grunted out.
Salem: "You aren't the one in control (Y/N)." She said as she snapped her finger again causing my mind to go blank and my body to move on its own. My body then turned around and walked back to Salem and knelt down. "I am." She said. "Now go kill Ruby Rose." She said as my head nodded. She snapped her fingers one last time and a portal appeared below me. "Bring me her head." She said as I sank into the darkness.

Timeskip- Emerald Forest

As the dark portal opened up my body stepped out of it and began to walk through the forest. I tried my best to regain control over my body but I couldn't. After a hour of walking my body found a clearing. As my body stepped out into the clear I heard the sound of talking and crying. As my body drew closer to the sounds I found Team RWBY sitting. As my body drew closer I heard what they were talking about.
Yang: "I know it will be hard Ruby but you can get through this." She said as she wiped tears off of Ruby's face.
Ruby: "I feel so lost without him." She said as she then let her head hang.
Weiss: "You know he wouldn't want you to be like this." She said.
Ruby: "I know but I just can't help it." She said. As my body drew closer it stepped on a twig causing it to make a small snapping sound. It was then that Blake turned her head and gasped.
Blake: "What the hell?!?!" She said as everyone else turned around and gasped as well. As they all stared at me my body began to slowly move towards them.
Ruby: "(Y/N)!!!" She yelled as she jumped up from where she sat. She tried to run towards me but was stopped by Yang. "What are you doing Yang?!?" She said angered by her sisters action.
Yang: "That isn't (Y/N)." She said as Ruby looked at her in disbelief.
Ruby: "Of course it is just look at him." She said still trying to move towards me.
Yang: "Ruby take a closer look at him." She said as Ruby finally looked at my body closely. After a minute she began to cry again and frown.
Ruby: "You're right it isn't him is it?" She said. My body then rushed towards them. As I ran my body took my broad sword off it's back and swung at them. They all dodged the blade which caused them to scatter. My body then rushed towards Ruby and swung the blade. Luickly Ruby already had her Cresent Rose out so she managed to block the attack. "(Y/N) snap out of it!!" She said as she jumped back. I then jumped to the sky as I dodged a shot from Ember Celica.
Yang: "Dammit!!" She said as she cocked back her fist and fired another shot. My body then sliced downwards cutting the shot in half. It then jumped to the side and barely dodged a rope shot from Blake's Gamble Shroud. It then rushed forward and sliced through Blake only for her body to dissapear into nothing. I then tried to move but found I couldn't. I then looked down at my feet to see that Weiss had froze me in place. I then felt my sword get shot out of my hand as the ice slowly crept up my body only leaving my head unfrozen. It was then that Ruby came up to me.
Ruby: "(Y/N) please tell me you're there?" She pleaded. "Just give me a sign knowing that you're still you." She said as my body still remained motionless. She then looked to the ground in defeat.
Yang: "Don't worry Ruby we'll figure out something." She said as I then heard a voice in my head.
Salem: "I will give you power." She said as I felt a burning sensation surround my body. After a couple of seconds my body was engulfed in black flames. I then pushed my arms outward causing the ice around me to explode and send the girls flying in different directions. My body then slowly moved toward Ruby as she looked at me in fear.
Ruby: "Please don't do this (Y/N)." She said as I stood above her. My body then moved its hands forward and wrapped them around her neck. "Please remember (Y/N)!!!" She said as she struggled to breath.
(Y/N): "NOOOO!!!!" I shouted as my body let go of her and she began to breath heavily. "YOU WON'T HARM HER!!!!!" I yelled as I grasped my head in my hands and began to feel pain.
Ruby: "That's it (Y/N) fight it!!!" She said as she made her way towards me.
(Y/N): "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!" I yelled as Ruby wrapped her arms around me as I continued to struggle. She then placed her hands on my face and crashed her lips against mine. This sensation and this feeling. As we kissed I could feel myself start to return back to normal. As she finished I gained full control over my body. I just stood there in a daze for a moment until I fell to my knees. Luickly Ruby caught me on the way down.
Ruby: "(Y/N)?" She asked as I looked up at her.
(Y/N): "I'm back Ruby." I said as she wrapped me in a warm embrace.
Ruby: "You finally are." She said.

Thank you all for reading. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below. Also sorry if the story wasn't how you wanted it Neo I just did the first thing that popped into my head. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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