An Unlikely Pair

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This is a Wolf Faunus Male Reader x Velvet requested by waywardgaming.

(Y/N)'s POV

While we are out lunch Nora was going on about a dream of how Ren and her fought a ton of Ursa and sold the skins for money. We all just laughed at her silly antics. My laughter died down when I heard the pained screams of Velvet. I turned and noticed Cardin pulling on her ears.

I bared my fangs and walked towards them. I went up to Cardin and bit down on his wrist until I tasted blood. He quickly let go of Velvet's ears and feel to the ground clenching his wrist.

Cardin: "You again you freaking mut!!" He said through clenched teeth.

(Y/N): "Yeah me again." My fangs were still bared and my claws were ready to attack.

Cardin: "Ya know what we'll settle this in Goodwitch's class so be ready punk." He and his larked walked away. I calmed myself and helped Velvet sit down. I began to rub her ears and soothe the pain.

Velvet: "Why do you always help me (Y/N)?" My face reddened at the comment.

(Y/N): "I hate guys like that espically the ones who pick on people cause they're different." She held a small smile on her face throughout the entire time I messaged her ears. I couldn't bring myself to tell Velvet that one of the real reasons I did it was because I had a crush on her.

I finished rubbing her ears and she pouted at me. I couldn't say no to that cute face so I continued for another minute or so. Once I finished she gave me a hug and thanked me. I returned the hug before letting go and returning to my table. Yang looked at me with a smirk.

(Y/N): "What?" I asked her.

Yang: "Oh nothing lover boy~" She cooed causing me to go red in the face.

(Y/N): "Shut up Yang." I told her embarrassed.

Yang: "Just tell her how you feel (Y/N)." I just shook my head at the thought. She could never fall for a wolf.

(Y/N): "I can't I'm to scared she'll reject me." I responded.

Blake: "Come on (Y/N) how could she reject the hero that saves her everyday." She told me.

(Y/N): "By saying no." I sighed.

Jaune: "Come on dude it's easy to tell that she likes you. I mean she asked you to continue to rub her ears after you stopped and if that isn't a sign that she likes you I don't know what is." He reassured me.

(Y/N): "Maybe her ears were just hurt more than usual." I responded.

Weiss: "She asks you to do it everyday." She told me.

Ren: "Trust us (Y/N) she likes you back so just go and ask her." He said and I sighed in defeat.

(Y/N): "Alright I'll ask her after Miss Goodwitch's class." We quickly finish our food and made our way to class.

Timeskip - 1 Hour

Goodwitch: "Next up is (Y/N) (L/N) vs Team CRDL." We made our way down to the arena. I stood on the left side of the arena and Cardin and his lackeys were on the right side.

Cardin: "I can't wait to break you because when I do there won't be anyone to stop me from hurting that bunny bitch." He said with a grin. Something in me finally snapped. I suddenly appeared in front of him. A collection of gasps empires from the crowd.

Cardin: "What th-" My kick to his gut cut him off and sent him flying to the other side of the arena. I proceeded to kick Russel, Dove, and Sky around until I saw blood. When I was finished with them I walked over to we're Cardin landed.

He desperately swung his mace at my head. I easily caught it and crushed it in the palm of my hand. He back away from me with fear in his eyes. I grabbed him by his collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground. The killer intent shined brightly in my eyes.

(Y/N): "If I ever see you picking on MY Velvet again or hear you bad mouthing her I will end your miserable life Cardin and that's a promise I will keep." He nodded out of fear and fainted. Miss Goodwitch called the match and I left the arena. I quickly made my way towards the roof.

I got to the roof and decided to lay down and look at the clouds. An hour had passed before I heard the door to the rooftop. I opened my eyes to see Velvet sitting next to me with a smile. I tried to sit up, but she tackled me with a hug that I returned in kind.

Velvet: "So i'm your Velvet?" A tint of red cover her cheeks.

(Y/N): "Yeah?" I said but what happened next surprised me. She timidly pressed he lips against mine and I froze. I melted into and our fingers intertwined. She pulled away from the kiss and placed her head against my chest.

Velvet: "Then you're my (Y/N)." She said embarrassed and I wrapped my arms around her while we looked at the clouds in the sky.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one.

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