The Taste of Roses

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This is a Shadow Hunters Vampire Male Reader x Ruby requested by AnonymousWriter201. The requester came up with the title.

(Y/N)'s POV

I gilded through the night sky with pale moonlight glistening on my back. I stopped and stood atop a roof eager to find prey. The scream of a woman pierced the night sky. I followed the scream until I found her being harassed by a thug in an alleyway.

Thug: "Give me all of your money lady." He pulled a knife from his pocket.

Lady: "I don't have any." She backed up further into the alleyway while he advanced closer on her. I had seen enough and jumped down in between them. I stood with my cowl drawn over my head. The thug was shock, but recovered quickly.

Thug: "Beat it punk or you're dead meat." I laughed at his meaningless threat. "What the hell's so funny?!?"

(Y/N): "You think your petty threats can scary the devil himself." There was no emotion in y voice when I spoke. His face paled yet he still stood his ground.

Thug: "You don't scare me!!!" He tried to stab me, but I caught his wrist and twisted it. The knife fell from his hand and he kneeled. "Okay you win!! Let me go!!"

(Y/N): "I can't let your actions go unpunished. You threatened the life of a young woman and for that you will pay." I bared my fangs. "You shall be my snack."

I plunged my fangs into his neck and began to feast. It was short lived however, since his blood tasted that of liqueur. I retraced my fangs and placed my hands on the sides of his head and in one swift motion snapped his neck. His body fell and I turned to face the woman I had saved. She looked at me with fear in her..... silver eyes?

(Y/N): "You have silver eyes?" Her eyes grew wide and her body swayed from side to side. She fell to the ground, but I caught her in my arms before she touched it. I got a better look at her.

She had dark hair with red at the tips and she wore red and black attire. I had no idea where she lived or who she was, but I couldn't just leave a fair maiden by herself. I lifted her up bridal style and floated to the sky. I decided I would take her to my mansion until she awoke.

Ruby's POV

I woke up from my slumber and waited for my eyes to adjust. After they adjusted I noticed I wasn't in my room. It was a completely different place. The room was lined with red drapes covering the windows and carpet lining the floor. I noticed I was lying inside a.... coffin!!!!

I immediately jumped out of it and backed into the wall. I calmed my breathing and looked for a exit. It took me a few seconds, but I finally found a door. I opened the door and made my way into a hallway. The door clicked and sent an echo down the hall.

I traveled further down the hall and stopped I heard the sound of music. I followed the sound until I came face to face with a closed door. My hand slowly opened the door to see who was inside. I peered through the door and noticed a man playing the organ.(Song: Davy Jones)

He was tall, had (h/l) (h/c) hair, wore a cowl, and pale. He finished playing and sat up straight.

(Y/N): "I know you are they Miss." I stood there shocked. "Please come in. I mean you no harm." He turned around and faced the door. I opened it fully and walked in. I stood a few feet away from his. "How are you feeling?"

Ruby: "I'm fine." He sighed at my nervousness.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry about last night Miss. I did not mean to scare you that badly." His tone was rather sad.

RWBY x Male Reader (Request Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora