Saving The Queen

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This is a Male Reader x Depressed Weiss requested by me.

Weiss's POV

While I sat in the class listening to Port ramble on about his adventures my mind began to wonder. I wondered how I was such a failure. Such a disgrace to the Schnee name. How no one even liked me. The only person that I talked to freely was (Y/N). He was the man I fell in love with. But who would love me?

A walking scar covered body who was a failure at life. (Y/N) would never love me. The bell rang bringing me back to reality andI packed up my things. I waited for everyone else to leave, because I just wanted to be alone.

The last person left and I got up and slowly walked to the door. My wrist began to hurt, but I ignored them. I opened the door and was greeted by (Y/N). He smiled at me and we walked toward the cafeteria.

Weiss: "Why?" I asked his.

(Y/N): "Why what?"

Weiss: "Why do you always wait for me?"

(Y/N): "Well, no one should walk or be alone. Plus I can't leave my Queen by herself." He said in a silly voice which caused me to smile for a few seconds. He always knew how to make me smile. Espically with his stupid nicknames.

But even so he would never fall for a person like me. We neared the cafeteria doors and he moved in front of me to open them. I nodded and said a silent thank you. We both got our lunches and sat at the table. While everyone talked I just sunk into the background of the table.

I pushed my food around enought to look like I had eaten it. Everyone began to leave so I did the same. I was about to stand up until a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked to my side to see (Y/N). He urged me to sit down as everyone else left us.

(Y/N): "Are you okay Weiss?" He asked me worried.

Weiss: "Of course I am. Why would you say that?" I said a little nervous.

(Y/N): "Because you haven't eaten any of your food."

Weiss: "Of course I have look." I said while showing him my tray.

(Y/N): "I know you just pushed your food around to make it look like you ate." I began to panic a little on the inside.

Weiss: "I'm fine (Y/N). Really I am see." I put on a fake smile which didn't fool him and he sighed. He scooted closer to me and wrapped me in a hug. I froze and tensed up. After a minute my body slowly loosened and returned it slightly. He let go and looked me straight in the eyes.

(Y/N): "I don't know what you're going through right now Weiss, but if you ever need to talk about it I'm here for you." He said with his soft and gentle voice I know so well.

Weiss: "Honesly (Y/N) I'm fine so don't worry about me." I got up, threw my tray, and left. While I slowly walked back to my dorm my mind raced. The door opened and I noticed no one was inside. I decided to get rid of some stress. I went to my bed and pulled out Myrtenaster. My hand rolled up my right sleeve to reveal multiple slits on it.

I brought the blade close to my wrist and cried softly. The blade cut into my flesh and blood coated my arm and sleeve. I gritted my teeth as the blade sliced deeper and deeper until it was knocked out of my hands. I looked up to see the person who I never wanted to see me like this.

It was (Y/N). I looked down in shame while tears flowed. He saw what I really was and now he probably didn't want anything to do with me. Hands wrapped around me and wet drops fell onto my head. I looked up to see the man I loved in tears.

(Y/N)'s POV

I watched Weiss leave, but I knew she was hurting. My had to find out why she was like this. She was the girl I loved and I hated seeing her like this. I got up from my seat and followed her. I lagged behind her until she finally made it to her room.

She entered it and I walked up to the closed door. I opened it slightly to see if she was okay.She looked around to see if she was alone. She went over to her bed.. She pulled out her Myrtenaster and rolled up her sleeve.

I was shocked to see her wrist lined with slits. She hovered her blade over her wrist and began to cry. She slid the blade down her wrist causing blood to go down her arm and the blade while she cut deeper and deeper. I couldn't stand to watch any longer so I rushed in and knocked the weapon out of her hand.

She looked at me shocked, but soon looked down in shame. I fell to my knees and embraced her. Tears streamed from my eyes. I  held her like my life depended on it

(Y/N): "Why Weiss?!?" Tears flowed like an endless river. "Why would you do this to yourself?!?" My grip on her tightened.

Weiss: "I never wanted to be the Heiress of the Schnee company. I never wanted to be a social target of the media. I never wanted all this hate. I just wanted to be a normal girl." She chocked out. "I didn't know what to do so I resorted to this. I needed an escape from my madness." She cried even harder into my chest. "Who would care for a piece of filth like me?" I sat her up and placed my hand over her wrist.

(Y/N): "Heal!!" A glowing light appeared where my hand was and a sharp pain appeared on my wrist. The light disappeared and I removed my hand to see the cut on her wrist dissapeared. She looked at me shocked.

Weiss: "What did you do?!?" I showed her my wrist and she gasped.

(Y/N): "My semblance Heal allows me to heal any wound a person has, but the catch is it's inflicted on me instead." Weiss cried even more while looking at me

Weiss: "Why would you waste it on a person like me?" She said with sadness in her voice. I moved closer to her and placed my hand on her cheek. Her head so she could look me in the eyes.

I brought my lips closer to hers and pressed them together. She tensed up as I kissed her, but relaxed into us. After a couple of minutes we separated and I wrapped my arms around her.

(Y/N): "You're not a waste. You're a person. A person I care for with all my heart. A person I don't want to see hurt. The woman I love. That is why I did it Weiss. I did it because I love you my Queen." She looked up at me with a genuine smile.

Weiss: "For the longest time I never thought you would ever love a person like me." She buried her head into my chest while I stroked her hair softly. I was happy I was able to save my Queen.

Thank you all for reading. I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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