A Monster and A Bunny

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This is a Doomsday Male Reader x Velvet requested by KyleBradleyFernandez.

Velvet's POV

We entered the elevator and ascended the building. Wonder what the Professor wants us for? It'll probably be another mission. The elevator came to a stop and opened.

Ozpin: "Hello students."

CFVY: "Hello Professor." We entered and stood in front of his desk.

Ozpin: "I've called you here today because I'll be sending you on a special mission. This mission will be a retrevial mission and this," he tapped a button on his computer and an image popped up, "is what you have to retrieve."

Coco: "What is the thing?"

Ozpin: "This is a test subject that escaped from Atlas Labs. It was apart of the Downfall Program. An unstoppable monster able to kill any target programmed into it. It was to be a last resort if the world fell into chaos, but for some reason it went rogue. Its code name is Doomsday." He said.

Velvet: "How could Atlas create such a thing?"

Ozpin: "It wasn't created from scratch. It needed a host." Another picture appeared in place of the monster. I fell to the ground in complete shock. In front of me was a picture of my childhood friend (Y/N) (L/N). I stood up and looked at the image closer

Velvet: "(Y/N)." A few tears ran down my cheek.

Ozpin: " Your childhood friend was the unfortunate host Miss Scarlatina. I tried to stop them from progressing, but they didn't listen to me." He opened his desk drawer and placed a suitcase in front of us. It opened to reveal a tranquilizer rifle and darts with blue liquid vials. "This is a special tranquilizer that has the antidote to cure (Y/N) and turn him back to normal. I'm counting on your team. Bring him back."

Velvet: "You can count on it Professor." I grabbed the case and we left for the bullheads. I'll bring you back (Y/N). That's a promise make sure to see through.

Timeskip - Open Field

While we neared our target area I loaded a dart into the rifle. Besides the one in the chamber I had two extras. Professor Ozpin told us that his entire body was covered in hard scales except for his neck. The speaker blared to life.

Speaker: "We're nearing the target." We got to our feet and gather at the door. The bullhead descend and opened the door. The monster was feasting on a Grimm. We jumped from the bullhead and landed a little ways away from him. It was to busy eat to notice us.

Coco: "Fox and I will distract it and Yatsu will protect Velvet while she shoots." We all nodded and went our separate ways. Fox and Velvet charged while I set up my spot. The monster looked up and released an ear piercing roar.

After the sound subsided it stood up and charged them with incredible speed. Coco and Fox ran around while dodging its attacks. I lined up my first shot and fired, but narrowly missed. I loaded another dart and Cox flew past us. She hit the ground out cold

I looked to see Fox going toe-to-toe with the beast. I took another shot and the dart hit his shoulder shattering on impact. Fox flew past us and landed on the ground out cold. I ditched the gun and held the dart in my hand. The monster charged us.

Velvet: "I know you're in there (Y/N)!!!" The monster came to a stop a few feet in front of us. It gripped its head in agony. "You have to fight it!!!!"

Monster: "He...lp......m......e!!" He turned around and exposed his neck. I jumped onto his back and stabbed the dart into his neck. The blue liquid drained and I was thrown from its back. Smoke emitted from the monster and began to shrink.

The smoke finally cleared to reveal a passed out (Y/N) . Yatsu gave me a blank which I wrapped (Y/N) in. I held (Y/N) close while I called the bullhead. It came into view and I carried (Y/N) inside. Yatsu carried the others in and we lifted off.

Timeskip - 3 Days - Infirmary

(Y/N)'s POV

When my eyes finally opened I noticed the white room I was in and the bed I laid in. I looked to my side to see a sleeping girl with bunny ears. My hands gently shook her awake. She groggily sat up and opened her eyes. When she came to she tackled me with a hug and I froze.

Girl: "Thank Oum you're alright!!"

(Y/N): "Where am I?! What happened?! Who are you?!"

Girl: "You don't remember anything? Do you remember me?"

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, but the only bunny faunus I know is my childhood friend Velvet. Last time I saw her was after school yesterday." She looked at me shocked and worried.

Girl: "How old are you (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I'm thirteen."

Girl: "You're not thirteen (Y/N). You're eighteen. You've been missing for five years." So many thought began to run inside my head.

(Y/N): "It can't be!!! You're lying!!!"

Girl: "You have to believe me (Y/N)!!!"

(Y/N): "Why should I believe you?! I don't even who you are?!"

Velvet: "You should, because I'm Velvet." My entire world broke into piece when she said that. My head fell into my hands and I cried. What the hell happened in the last 5 years?

I felt arms wrap around me lovingly. I looked up to see Velvet embracing me. She stroke my hair which calmed me down immediately. She got onto my bed and placed my head in her lap.

Velvet: "I know it's hard (Y/N), but I'm here now. I'll always be here." Her soft voice was intoxicating. My eyes closed once again and drifted back to sleep.

Timeskip - 1 Month

After my episode in the infirmary, Ozpin and Velvet filled me in on what happened. I was kidnapped by smugglers and sold to Atlas for experiments. That's why I don't remember the past 5 years. Ozpin offered me a place at Beacon. I accepted it without a second thought and was placed on Velvet's team.

As the days went on Velvet told me about the past 5 years of her life. She told me how hard she work to get into Beacon. She also told me about her harassment by Cardin. Note to self, kick his ass later. The thing she talked about most was how much she missed me. We sat under the tree with her head on my shoulder

Velvet: "You know something?"

(Y/N): "Huh?"

Velvet: "There wasn't a day that passed by that I wasn't thinking of you." I placed my head atop of hers and laced our fingers together. It was a blissful moment.

(Y/N): "You know something?" We elicited our head and looked at one another

Velvet: "What?"

(Y/N): "I forgot everything that happened in those five years, but there was one thing I could never forgot."

Velvet: "What was it?"

(Y/N): "My love for you."

She looked at me with a few tears on her eyes. I wiped them away and brought my face close to hers. Our lips connected and I felt a jolt of absolute joy. My arms wrapped around her and brought her close. We separated after a few minutes with smiles.

(Y/N): "I love you Velvet."

Velvet: "I love you too (Y/N)."

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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