I badly wanted to respond to him by saying: "First, what you know about me is just a tip of the iceberg. You don't know the dark sides of me. Did you know that I'm gay? I bet you don't. Second, I really am in love with this woman who's holding my hand." But I'm not in the state to disclose these information to him so I think that would suffice for now.

"Bye, ladies. Good to see you."

"It was not nice to see your face, bastard." I heard Lisa said blatantly. I chuckled, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"What did I do?" She did not answer me. Here we go again, how will I be able to make her notice me.

"Hey, notice me please?" I said while poking her sides.
"Why are you ignoring me?" She's still not responding.
"Talk to me, Lisa." She just doesn't want to talk to me. I get it.

I sighed and gave her a hug. She was surprised, I can tell but what she said surprised me even more.

"Stay away from me, you just hugged that bastard and now you're hugging me?" She's raging. I understand her but these tears began to fall.

"I'm sorry." That's all that I can say.


Lisa and I may be different but we also have some similarities. Pretty much we're on the same page like when we quarrel, we never let the day pass without fixing the problem. That day, she apologized to me for her behavior, she said her wrath towards Jk was displaced to me and she was so sorry. Of course, I will always have a soft spot for her so I accepted her apology. Also, I am also not the type of person who holds a grudge. I tend to forgive people not just for them but also for myself because I always want peace within me. I'm thankful that mom raised me that way.

Right now, we're in the living room, watching a movie about a woman who's really expressive and vocal about her feelings towards the man but the latter failed to reciprocate that love until the woman died. Pretty tragic. I was crying the whole time and my eyes were swollen. Good thing the two unnies were sleeping because they'll pretty much tease me.

"Have you ever been in love and it wasn't reciprocated?" Lisa asked. My heart suddenly palpitated.

"Platonic love, you say? Yes, I can totally relate." I saw you were surprised by my answer so I asked a follow up question "How about you, Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, I was and pretty much still crazy about her." I can totally sense that it was about Jennie, who failed to show her the love that she wanted. I don't know what to say. I know, she's still hurting because the two unnies are together now and she's helpless. I was so engrossed when she continued talking...

"I loved her eversince I saw her, I know she's different. I really admire how hard-working she is, how she devotes her time to the things she loves. I remember when we were all tired and decided to call it a day, she decided to stay longer because she said she needs to practice more because she's lacking. She's not aware how good she is. I really wanted to shake her sometimes and scream at her face all the amazing things about her because she doesn't seem to realize her worth, but for me, she's a gem. I wanted her to realize that and I will help her in a way that she can rise up from all her insecurities. Despite how much she hates some things about herself, I find it perfect in my eyes. She is the most beautiful woman that I've ever met and she will always be. I love her so much."

I was blown away by her speech. Was she pertaining to me? I really don't want to assume but as far as I know I was the only one who stayed at the training room to practice more, and that insecurities....She's the only person who knows all of them

"I love you so much, Rosie" My tears began to fall right after she said that. I've been wanting to hear those words and know it finally came true😢 I couldn't ask for more.

"6 years" I said, you touched my face and wiped my tears.

"6 years?" You asked in confusion

"That's how long I've been loving you, Lisa" Shock is written all over her face. I was going to say my monologue when she asked me..

"I thought you only see me as your younger sister?" She asked.

"No sister in her right mind would flirt and would date her younger sister" I laughed while crying. I must be crazy.

"We've been bestfriends for 10 years. The first time I saw you, I felt different. I've never felt it to any other girls whom I encountered before but with you, it was different. I really love your aura, your swag, how you can both portay your feminine and masculine side. I can't explain it but to be honest I always wanted to see you. I automatically feel happy when you're around. It's like you're my energizer, my happy pill. I tried to stop my feelings for you but the more I repress it, the more it hunts me down. It was scary, I was so afraid to be judged and feel rejected but it came to the point where I felt suffocated with my own feelings so I told it to Jisoo unnie, good thing she understood me and she never judged me. I was so contented to see you, to talk to you but as we got closer to each other, I fell harder for you but I lost my chance when you've been vocal about your feelings for Jennie. It was so hard to pretend that I'm okay even if I was hurting because you have no idea that I love you more than you know."

It was a relief to finally let it all out. I needed this, for the longest time that I've been hiding my love for her, I finally had the courage to open it up.

"The thing is, I really don't love, Jennie. I really see her as my older sister. I purposely did that to make Jisoo unnie jealous, so she can confess her feelings, it worked, right? But to be honest, I tried to divert my attention to her because I was afraid that if I let my guard down, it'll ruin our friendship but I'll always end up loving you even more."

"We're on the same page. I hide it for 6 years because I was afraid too that our friendship will be over. Worst, you'll stay away from me."

"What makes you confess to me?" I asked.

"Remember when I was sick? I dreamt about Jungkook taking you away from me. He threatened to kill me if I don't stay away from you and now he's back, I'm afraid that it will turn into reality." That makes a lot more sense, I remember Jisoo unnie told me that Lisa's looking for me, shouting my name. And the horror in her eyes when he saw JK, that explains why.

I sat on her lap (yes, I am shameless now😉) and leaned my head on her chest. It feels good that we're close to each other, hearing each other's heartbeat.

"That won't happen, Lis." I assured her.

"You're mine, Rosie" She said while looking at my eyes. I am melting😍

"And I am wholeheartedly yours, love. Promise" With that I close our gap and seal my words of promise with a kiss.

Can you fix my heart? 💙ChaeLisa💜Where stories live. Discover now