Happy | Damian Wayne x Reader

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Description: "It wasn't an argument," he murmured, tone barely sour and tired. His eyes had been lost somewhere over your shoulder. "He asked if I still wanted to become Batman."

Requests: Sorry this is kind of long, but may i please request a damian x reader where bruce is getting old and damian is preparing to become batman and the reader tells him that they think he'll make a great batman and kind of just reassures him, maybe a little angsty and fluffy, your call?
More Damian and cat girl/woman s/o pls! Ur writing about it is so good!!!!
I was wondering if you could continue the Damian Wayne x cat girl/ batgirl reader?! I really love how this is written!
May I request some intimate moments with Damian, please? They don't have to be sexual, but they don't have to be non sexual. You (of course) don't have to do it, but if you wanted to work it into something or just use it to inspire something that would be cool too. Thank you! I love your writing!
Can you do a Damian imagine where reader has like 3 big ass dogs and Damian is low key afraid bc they don't like him for some reason?
Oh my god! Yay requests are open! Can we get some domestic Damian pls? I love your writing!
Oof, request are open and I'm suPER EXCITED. Can I get a Damian imagine where reader has like 3 big dogs and Damian and her are dating. One day he sees her at the parks playing with her dogs and he just like "yep, this is the one I'm gonna marry" and it's just fluffy and cuTE AS SHIT

Words: 1731

Notes: Today is my writing anniversary!! I started writing officially in 2015, so it's around 3-4 years now. This is just a little gift for you guys for hanging with me for so long. =D


"For someone with the moniker of Catgirl, you have a surprising amount of dogs."

The morning and its inhabitants are messy. Damian has day-old gel spiking his hair like overgrown grass, you are layered in dog hair, and the night had brought forth a storm of dirtying proportions. Unbothered and wrapped around your feet, three large hounds lay snoring.

"Funny you mention that now," you sighed. Stretching with dogs on your legs was something akin to an Olympic sport, and one you weren't good at; Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all popped up and began yipping at Damian. Regardless of how good he was with animals, nothing would please your three very protective friends. "I've known em' for three-four years now. And we've been doing this since high school."

This referred to, mainly, Damian's times spent occupying the opposite end of your queen-size. It had started when he began (legally) driving, when being around family got too annoying and Jon was too far away. He'd broken in. He had always broken in, to the point where you just left that window unlocked so he could slip through after patrol. Sometimes you'd shove in together. Sometimes you'd wake up and he'd just be there. But regardless of when and how, Damian came because when it felt like there was no place to go, he had here. (Or maybe he just liked your dogs).

"Known," Damian quotes. He set himself on the mattress so your thighs could press against his back, glacier against furnace. "You say you've "known" them, and never that you "got" them."

"Yeah," you said. You inclined toward him, belly folding, and skipped around a shielding muzzle to stroke his knee. "I don't own them. I don't like that—owning another living being. They're my buddies, not my pets."

Damian scoffed. He passed you a look, lip quirking in a pleased manner. "You're nothing like a cat."

You smiled. Then, gently poked his arm. "You're too much like a prissy little bird."

His tone changed, just barely, another drop of dye added to a water glass. His posture lost it's spine, winding him taut but while bent over like a broken spring. You'd thought it had been like that last night too. He had arrived with ceremony, stripped his gear, then dropped into bed with words filling him over the edge. He'd wanted to say something but pulled back at the last moment and the memory was lost in sleep.

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