He's Gone | Bruce Wayne x Reader | Valentine's Day Special

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Description: Happy Valentine's Day, Bruce Wayne.

Words: 4677 (oopsie)

Notes: Happy Valentine's Day, guys! I am aware that some of you may not feel very strongly about this holiday (I agree tbh) but I came up with this idea and I just couldn't resist. I wrote this SO FAST YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Bruce is a lot more compassionate here bc I based him off of my telltale Batman decisions (oops) and I figured being married would lighten him up a little bit so here ya goo


You adjusted your mirror as you pulled out of the Kent's driveway. In it, you could see the Kents, both with an arm wrapped around their son's shoulders and keeping his lithe frame between them. The boy, Jonathan Kent, frantically waved at your departing car. You couldn't help but smile when Damian rolled down his window and waved back.

It had been just a little over a year ago that your son was angry and friendless, but you were elated to say that Jon had changed Damian. He was a wonderful influence. At least there was that pleasant thought to keep in mind.

The country is beautiful. Especially when the sun is just setting, sinking into the horizon line like the fat head of a flower bud ready to bloom by dawn. The sky out here always made you think back to the sunset Damian painted for your latest birthday. He and Bruce had been on a long mission, and during that duration of time, Bruce must have said something to inspire Damian to race into his art room the moment they got home.

A couple hours later, he came out of his little cave covered in shades of yellow and orange and blue, proudly displaying a masterpiece of a sunset. But that's not what he called it.

Quite poetically, he had said, "It's the time between dusk and evening, just when the sun is dipping into the horizon but has not quite fully sunk. That time of day has yet to earn a proper name. So I, Damian Wayne, now formally deem the few minutes between dinner and sunset, Y/N's time."

Right now, it is Y/N's time. It's the few precious minutes where the sky looks exactly like Damian's canvas, a blur of colors blended to perfection, like mixing blue, orange, and yellow Cool-Aid on a cool summer evening. It's all painted behind the rows of wheat and fields of corn, played like a wind instrument by the breeze. No wonder Damian likes coming down here so much.

"See you soon, batboy!" Jon hollers playfully, sticking out his tongue.

Damian's torso is halfway out the window when he exclaims, "I hate you, corncob!" He sticks out his tongue in return.

Now that you've driven further, Jon cups his hands around his mouth and finishes their sacred saying. It's almost like a hug goodbye or Damian's version of a secret handshake. Jon thoroughly enjoys it, and by the look on Lois and Clark's faces, they're thinking the same thing you've been thinking for months; they're best friends, and that's going to stay a fact for forever.

Jon shouts in parting, "Happy to hear it!"

Damian ducks back into the car's backseat when the little farmhouse disappears in the cloud of dust your car makes. His hair is all windblown and wild, but what amazes you more is that so are his eyes. The Kents are renowned for putting wonder and awe in people's eyes; you suspect it's some lesson Jon has taught him or someplace he's shown him. But whatever it is, Damian is happy, and that's all you've wanted since you met him. He may be Talia Al Ghul's son, but he's your boy.

"You had fun, baby?" You asked, mentally preparing yourself for the ride back to Jersey. You almost considered just taking the jet down here, but Damian likes car rides more. You like car rides more.

"I suppose so, mom," Damian said, slouching back into his seat. His eyes and his limbs are all heavy, but for the first time it's because he's been running around and having fun instead of handling a world crisis.

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