Rumors | Part ii | Damian Wayne x Reader x Jon Kent

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Description: "We're gonna have so much fun!" Y/N shouts happily. She punches Damian's arm playfully, and tries to hide how she shakes the pain from her hand behind her back,"Trust me—Jon and I have been here dozens of times. We'll make sure you have fun too." She glances back at me with the smile that makes me smile too,"What ride do you think we should go on first?"

Request: multiple people asked for a part two. Plead and you shall recieve.

Words: 4371 (dammnnn)

Notes: I actually have a lot to say about this one. Damian and Jon are a year apart (17 and 16) instead of three, I made up a bunch of stuff for the story that's not actually in Great America, the story is written from Jon's POV (and if you guys want a third part, then we'll vote if the POV is the reader's or Damian's), I'm not sponsering Six Flags, and thiS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. I COULD SEE DAMIAN AND JON AND THE READER GOOFING OFF AS TEENAGERS FOR A DAY. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.


Jon Kent

I feel Damian pull the hat further over his eyes instead of see. The shift in the air is so easy to feel to my powerfully sensitive Kryptonian skin, and for a moment I worried if I can focus enough to keep calm in such a huge crowd—children crying will make my ears bleed, the metal of the rides will be so easy to break beneath my hands, and I will have to fall with gravity when the rollercoaster carts drop instead of fly. I feel like Y/N and Damian forget that I'm not as great with my powers as my dad or Kara are. Everything is magnified to 1,000%, to the point that if I squint I can see the oxygen molecules that they breathe in. The glasses I wear don't only hide my identity from the public; they dull the intensity of the world around me. Y/N pushes them further up the bridge of my nose as Damian locked his car.

I offer to carry our things because they are lighter than air to me. Damian knows this, and he also knows that their weightlessness will cause me to lose them. He holds them instead. It is not a big deal to him either.

"We're gonna have so much fun!" Y/N shouts happily. She punches Damian's arm playfully, and tries to hide how she shakes the pain from her hand behind her back,"Trust me—Jon and I have been here dozens of times. We'll make sure you have fun too." She glances back at me with the smile that makes me smile too,"What ride do you think we should go on first?"

"Superman. The "Ultimate Flight" one." I say automatically. The ride tilts so you're on your stomach and looking down, and then it "flies" over the park to act like Superman's flight. I don't need to go on it to feel the same weightless feeling, but something in Y/N's eyes alights and she remembers the nights where I would take her flying with me. I blush deeply as I remember her giggling into my neck and shrieking happily.

Damian, who had been looking over the map like it was the map of an enemy territory (we honestly need to find a way to get him out of "battle-mode"), snorts. He smirks at me slyly, and it makes me feel both uncomfortable and giddy. Whenever I feel like that I automatically think of him."TT. You mean "Batman: The Ride", right?"

I feel something simmer in my chest. It gets stronger the longer he stares at me. No, it's not because I want to fight him. I actually want to kiss him, really really badly, but I don't let the idea that we're in public stop me. I kiss him, my hand sliding down his back to cup his lower spine. I tell him as sarcastically as I can,"Yeah. Sure."

Y/N flashes us another smile before we join the line to enter the park. She makes a joke about us not needing to go through the metal detectors because "we have our own" as she gestures to me. Damian rolls his eyes beneath his sunglasses like I (the boy with x-ray vision) can't see. He must forget that we can see his lips though, since they curl into something too soft to be a smirk.

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