Laila | Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader

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Description: We called you Laila because you were born at night. In thanks, the sky put special stars in your eyes so that you could talk to them.


dad damian x wife reader? maybe during pregnancy and after?

Heeeeey !!!! I'm so glad requests are open haha. May I please request a father! Damian Wayne & Daughter! Teenager! Reader where the reader is exploring her heritage, and finds out about Dami being in the League of Assassins and being Robin, and she asks him about it? Then fluff when she asks about her mom and herself? Why her father even agreed to having reader in the first place when he knew how dangerous it was back then? If not, I completely understand! Thanks, love! ❤❤

Can we get some toddler fluff with Damian x reader? 💕

Words: 4363

Notes: I feel like I really don't write a lot of parent-and-child stuff, so this is a fic with Damian and his daughter. I made the reader the mom, because some parts of the daughter's name are crucial to the set-up of this story. I tried to make this as loving and sweet as a I could, bc we all need a hug from our dad sometimes. (Makes me just want to... hug Bruce). 


When should we tell her?"

Laila has long since been taught the value of eavesdropping. Her father was very good at it, just like he was very good at many other good things. He was a good man, and nothing could ever change that for Laila, regardless if he also knew how to do some bad things too. Like eavesdropping and listening. Listening in particular.

He taught her during the winter time, when she had just turned four. She knew for a fact that she was born on January 1st, just as the sun was setting over the hill of Gotham's country with the dawn of a new year. She was born when the stars were freshly twinkling in the heavens, and her father would whisper to her as he laid her down to bed; We called you Laila because you were born at night. In thanks, the sky put special stars in your eyes so that you could talk to them.

But I've never heard the stars speak, baba. She had said.

There are stars in my eyes, too. That's how I know that they don't speak like you and I, but whisper. He said, swiping his thumb at her cheek, Do you hear them?

She listened hard, and sure enough came the whispers of the midnight. They closed their eyes and listened together. The wind weaved it's voice through the barren branches outside, rattling softly against the Manor's walls like a visitor knocking politely for entry. Laila remembered gasping, Baba! I heard them!

And what did they tell you? He asked.

Laila pouted. She had only heard the rattling of their knuckles against the siding of their home, and drew her brows together, I... I dunno. Did you hear anything?

Yes, I did, her father said. Laila leaned in closer in excitement. Her father laid his large hand upon her cheek, like a pillow had covered half her face, and spoke. They told me that they love you, more than every constellation and every planet they hold.

Laila had smiled. Can you tell them that I love them too, baba?

They already know, my love, he spoke. He smiled when she put her small hand over his, and leaned down to plant a kiss on her face, Just as I know how much I love you. Rest well, my adored.

Although that night had been nearly two months ago, Laila had never faltered each night; she paused her dreaming, just for a moment, to whisper a goodnight to the stars. She was a very good listener because of it.

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