A/N #2

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for those of you wo don't traditionally read author's notes, please take a moment to read this:

I haven't quit writing! I'm not dead! Good things, I hope, but I do want to let everyone who is invested in this book know that I'm working on a different project: Cats Eat Birds! It's a Damian-centric series that I'm putting pretty much all my time and energy into, which is why I haven't updated in a long time. 

I hope that anyone who might be interested check out the new book. It's a multi-act, 50+ chapter book in the works, with a couple chapters already up! Thank you so much for your time, and I'm so glad that you have taken the time to read anything I've written before. 

Lots of love,



Cristen Young has never been one for relationships

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Cristen Young has never been one for relationships. Her split from Gotham had torn her in two, and the city that had once opened up to her and her alone, peeled back each rib of poverty and crime to reveal the beautiful heart beneath, wasn't as ready for her as she thought—or maybe it was the other way around. It couldn't work with her move to Fawcett City, regardless. Gotham just wasn't that type of girl.

But Cristen's back, and prepared to do the metaphorical equivalent of blasting Careless Whisper on Gotham's lawn; entering the city's hectic underbelly with her head up and fists forward. And Gotham needs her more than ever:

Batman is aging. Aging to the point where criminals can hear him in silent buildings and he, for the first time, can be found in the shadows by the naked eye. Gotham's rogues aren't as oblivious as the Batman wants them to be. The Joker, in particular, has already begun to build plans and find predecessors; Damian Wayne isn't so fond of this idea.

Damian, the dark heir to the mantle of the Batman, is distracted from his future by Selina Kyle's intriguing new associate. But the all-new, all-good Catwoman and Stray are followed closely by a shadow on the wall, someone involved in the pasts of both Stray and the present Robin... and not in a good way.

The next generation Bat and Cat must face off against Joker's latest plan, an old friend, while combating a rising panic in the streets as more and more people disappear. Who is taking all of Gotham's street children? What does Joker have in store for Cristen? What occurs when Damian Wayne is forced to face the true insecurities he hides within?

In a whirlwind of lies, blood, and a grayed line of justice and evil, Gotham's newest protector and future dark-night must understand the most important rule ever taught; no one is ever who they say they are.


...Here's a sneak peak you can't get anywhere else ;D



     THINGS, GOOD THINGS, began as they always did for Cristen; in the rain. Forecasts predicted a low of 35 and a high of 50 degrees Fahrenheit in Gotham City's center island of Sommerset, and the buckling sidewalks and sludged up streets of Crime Alley were spilling over with mist. At noon or midnight it was foggy in Gotham, because whatever will the place had was certainly a moody one. If she happened to know the time it was just because things like this only happened past seven at night. This was how Gotham preferred things: dark, polluted, and preferably in an alley at knifepoint.

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