I Remember | Jason Todd x Reader

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Description: After Jason Todd's death, the second Batgirl, Y/N L/N, is determined to kill the two men who caused it. Bruce watches her transformation, and the way her expression shifts when the Red Hood takes off his helmet.

Request: If the requests are still open could you do one where Jason was friends with the reader as Robin (round about when he was 16) and when he dies, reader turns into a Punisher like antihero and yaknow something with how when Jason does come back and his reaction idk really:))

Words: 1867


Bruce had never known how much damage a sixteen-year-old girl could cause until Jason Todd's death. He remembers telling her almost as well as he remembers holding Jason's body, or the splitting, earth-shattering, undiluted pain in his chest as his heart tried to saw it's way out of his ribcage.

At first, the only thing that had been noticeably off was Y/N's immediate disappearance and the way she had executed it. It was cliche and simple. She left a tear-stained note on her bed, and Alfred read it aloud to me as I drove the Batmobile into downtown Gotham—Riddler had made a bomb threat on the GCPD, and that meant that I was needed elsewhere. Y/N can wait, I remember thinking harmlessly, she's only a teenager. I can find her once this is over with.

But after her disappearance crimes began to topple on top of each other, creating a proper and steady barricade between myself and the second Batgirl. By the time I had managed to create a period in which I could search for her, she was gone and seemingly never returning.

My fist stops half-way between my body and the Penguin's face, and then he spits her name. I pause. He starts babbling something about where she is and how she bargained with most of my rogue's gallery.

"The girl said—" Penguin spits out a tooth,"She said to everybody that if we all ganged up on you then she'd tell us you're real identity." He squawked when I went to punch him again.

The sickest part of it all was that I believed him, a mindless and heartless psychopath, when he told me that she'd gone after the Joker looking for blood. I believed her when she said that she loved Jason all those months ago. And so I believed myself in my own suspicion that she planned to kill the Joker for what he'd done to Jason... our Jason.

I know that she's broken when I hear gunfire and see her fingers pulling the trigger instead of someone else. The only reason I hold back is not even that she is like a daughter to me (something that if Dick or Alfred ever heard they would become sick), but because she refrained from killing children. She's not too far gone, I told myself, I can still save her even if I couldn't save him.

I remember what she looked like when I found her. Four months of absence, of mourning and grief for the boy that had shown her more kindness than any other had not been good to her. I could tell even through the rain that she was sobbing. I remember how the sound tore through me. I remember how she released everything I and the streets had taught her into that fight. She was primal, and yelling under the cover of thunder and lightning,"It's all your fault! It's all your fault!" Her voice broke and she crumbled into a mess of sobbing. I wanted to embrace her and comfort her in that moment, but my own fear for her mental state held me back. When I tried to bring her back home she sprinted off into the night, hands dripping with red rainwater.

Then Tim comes into my life. Y/N disappears. Tim, desperate to prove that he can fill Jason's boots as Robin, chases her down. He can only collect enough evidence to prove my theory; she was gone, but she was coming back and she was going to kill me and my worst adversary, The Joker.

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