Hummingbird | Artemis Crock x Fem!Reader

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Description: Your gaze didn't have to linger on Artemis the way it did for her to step forward, notching two arrows in her bow and giving you a playful smile, "I'll cover you."

Request: Hey it's the anon who had the YJ question, could you please write an Artemis x female! reader? One where the reader is a sidekick of Black Canary who tries how to ask Artemis out in vietnamese, which she spent ages practicing. Unfortunately, Artemis doesn't understand, either from bad pronunciation or Artemis simply not knowing the language- since they don't specify in the show! Which leads to awkward cuteness. Thank you so much and sorry it's so long!

Words: 1787

Notes: I love Artemis more than the sub my mom is planning to bring me. I love Dinah Lancedsalhasdlkhgirls


"I mean, how did you do it?" you asked.

Dinah Lance looked you over, trying desperately to hide her laughter beneath a decisive frown. There was a note of wistfulness in her walk; here was her little Hummingbird, chittering nervously about girls, dancing from foot-to-foot in an anxious hop that reminded Dinah so much of the bird. She could have sworn that you were ten years old a couple of months ago, eyes wide and awe-filled, "You want me to be your partner, Dinah...? Really? Are you sure?"

"Well, it wasn't really me. Oliver had been asking to go out with me every day for a year, and eventually, I just said yes," Dinah shrugged.

This didn't seem to help you much. Your feet only bobbed faster to catch up with her long strides. At least that's still the same, Dinah thought, picturing you in your old costume as your little legs raced to keep in time with hers. She'd been so wary about training you at the time, but thinking about it from your perspective must have been ridiculous. You were strong and tall and capable now. Regardless, Dinah would still see the little girl with her matching Canary jacket and her green-blue tights.

"Why?" Y/N asked, "I mean, I know you love Oliver and everything—but why then?"

"Because, like you said: I realized I loved him." Dinah smirked, "But just between you and me, all the asking was starting to get a little annoying."

A smile flashed across your face, but it faded fast enough to make Dinah stop in the middle of the Watchtower's corridor. There was a moment where you turned away from her in favor of staring at the Earth below. Dinah joined you quickly, and in unison you approached the glass wall that displayed the planet you protected beneath.

She gave you a minute to breathe. Sometimes the world was just too loud for you, and Dinah knew above anyone how much you valued silence and the need to feel small. You always looked at your problems like they were the end of the world. Sometimes they were, sometimes they were pretty damn close, but more often than not you just needed to see how big the world was and let the confidence flood you. Dinah gave you that breath, then moved in.

"Hey," Dinah said. She wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into her side and patting the three tiny, colorful birds on your jacket, "Think about it this way: You know that she likes girls. You know that she likes spending time with you, and you know that there's not a lot stacked against you here. Even if she just wants to remain friends, then this will prove how strong that friendship is, right? If she doesn't, then look at you! You've got a great girlfriend and a happy relationship."

"Yeah," you said. "Yeah," you repeated, "I can do this. Any idea on how?"

"Well, what are you good at?" Dinah questioned.

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