Belated Birthday Barfight | Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Description: When a birthday gala begins to suffocate you with social anxiety, Bruce decides that taking a night off—from Batman, from The Waynes, or the most powerful couple in Gotham City—is a perfect birthday gift.

Notes: TALK ABOUT A SELF-INDULGE. I wrote this for my birthday, for myself, but I also hope you all enjoy it too... regardless if it is your birthday or not. Because my b-day is so close to Christmas my family tries to spread it throughout the whole week, so I've had a wonderful break so far!! Miss writing a little bit... but it's super awesome on my NEW GAMING LAPTOP SUCKERS!!! But yo hears some Bruce because I love ma boi

Keywords: Birthday, celebration, gift, love.


"Well then. I wish you the happiest of birthdays, Mx. Wayne. Good evening." Professor Basina—an associate of your husband's, who had been one of many to attend your birthday gala at Wayne Manor—ducked his head to bid you farewell, before weaving back into the crowd of bubbly partygoers. You tried your best not to sound awkward when you shyly returned,"Thank you, Professor. Have a good evening."

Wayne Manor's small ballroom was strewn about with your favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite everything. The marble flooring gleamed so beautifully you could see your own reflection its milky veins, and the chandelier above you watched on like a crystalline stalactite protector. But despite the rooms bustling beauty it felt like everything was watching you. You swore the women in their designer dresses were whispering behind their hands as they judged you, while the light reflecting on the tiles glared at you, and the room's walls seemed to be advancing closer with every breath.

As soon as he was gone, you saw your chance and snatched it greedily. With few or no eyes on the birthday [boy/girl] you could finally catch your breath. Slipping behind one of the pillars that supported the gallery above the main staircase, you easily slipped behind the cracked bathroom door and locked it shut behind you. The chatter and the volume all silenced with the door now shut. Silence and the way it cleansed you of your social anxiety was truly a gift.

With a great sigh, you dropped down onto the closed toilet seat and placed your head in your hands. You had told Bruce at least a thousand times you didn't want a public birthday party. Of course, you were grateful to be having one at all, but there's nothing wrong in preferring to be at the head of a table cluttered with your family, rather than people only Bruce barely knew. The banquet table laid heavy with gifts was amazing and exciting, but at the same time you knew only a few of those gifts were heartfelt.

Alfred had your back, at least. He arranged for your close friends and family to be invited, but a good majority had now left since it was later in the evening.

In all fairness, it wasn't just Alfred that recognized your fear of large crowds and awkward silences. Dick followed you around for the first hour of the party in order to "save you", and when you finally laughed and insisted his freedom, he hugged you tightly and assured no one would dare make you uncomfortable on your birthday. ("Not on my watch."). Damian had made sure to do the same, but from a few feet behind. He thought he was being sneaky by leaping behind guests and hiding behind furniture when you glanced over your shoulder, but you smiled everytime you caught sight of him in the crowd. Jason couldn't be out in public officially as he was legally dead, and Tim had a Titans Mission to take care of—but both had left you birthday wishes, and among the gift pile you could see two labels with their names.

"Mx. Y/N," Alfred chimed from the other side of the door. His knuckles wrapped once upon the wood."Are you alright?"

"Fine, Alf!" You assured in a rushed manner. Without hesitation you got to work on checking yourself in the mirror; it seems your little break was over. Brushing hair out of your face and smoothing down your birthday attire, you unlocked the door and peeked through the opening at the Wayne's beloved family friend.

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