Critiquing | Damian Wayne x Reader

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Description: Damian's latest Batsuit design needs some critiquing...

Request: You can use this as a prompt if you want but I swear if Batman!Damian had a s/o they would not let him leave the house in that dumb ass trench coat

Words: 1082

Notes: because we need more Damibats and this concept gave me LIFE. Also, I have some issues with Damian's Batsuit :|


"Damian," You sighed. Your voice echoed in the Batcave."No."

His brow furrows, lips twisting into a frustrated frown. You're both bent over the Batcomputer's center console, shoulder-to-shoulder with one of his hands resting on your lower back. It is a small way of convincing you to agree with his choices—Damian has never been afraid of coercing answers and agreements out of you with touch. He knew for a damn fact that he could stroke your face or rub your knuckles and make you giddy with adoration. This time it wouldn't work. Couldn't work, because nothing could change your opinion on this.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

You gesture to the Batcomputer's main screen, where a concept design (drawn up by Damian and critiqued by Lucius, bless that man) for your boyfriend's Batsuit was displayed. He had originally begun crusading in his father's most recent suit; but the Mark XLII Batsuit was far too bulky, worn, and short for your 6'4" lean crime-fighting machine. That meant you needed an update. And boy, was this one you were certainly not hoping for.

"Sorry, Dams... but it's not really... practical." You winced, attempting a euphemistic smile.

"Of course it's practical. I designed it." Damian argued.

You shook your head, turning so your bodies faced one another and loosely laid the tips of your fingers on the side of his face. Even if he turned his head away, he still leaned into your touch. He succumbs when you run your thumb over his frown. That settles it into a scowl desperately trying to hide his incoming smile, and you know that you've got him. You're not against cheating to woo him to your side, either.

"It has a bigger collar than the one on Dick's first Nightwing suit," You whispered. You leaned in closer and light-heartedly giggled,"And a trenchcoat. Someone could grab that in a fight and knock your lights right out. It's why I don't wear a ponytail in the field in anymore."

"Fine. There may be minor flaws in its design, but it is nothing that can't be adjusted," He said, puffing up his chest and turning up his chin like a proud bird. Considering how he doesn't take criticism lightly, you were pleasantly surprised with his reaction. It wasn't too bad. But it seemed that regardless, he was still your Damian, and as soon as he turned around and picked up the digital pen he had begun to pout. Easy fix.

"Hang on—don't go pouting off on me, Damian." You joined his side on the other counter, turning the screen on the drawing monitor so that you both could see when you opened up a new sketch.

You smiled when Damian scowled,"I'm not pouting."

He offered you the pen and observed the movement of your hand as you began to draw on the screen. That had been one thing that drew you together: art. Not only had you bonded over it as friends, but it had brought you together as lovers, when you'd swapped ideas and even worked on pieces together. The week in which you had done the Wayne family portrait was the best week you had ever had. It was also a beautiful piece, in which you had done the sketching on and Damian had painted. So good that it now hung above the fireplace in the main parlor.

"Well, we can still give it a trench coat, but we could develop it so the bottom part turns into a glider so you can travel faster across the city. Oh! Give it a zipper and make it black. Now that's aesthetically pleasing. If we make it a separate piece from the main part of the suit—which could basically be some updated armor with the utility belt and without the cape—then you could use it to hold other items in the field. And... maybe a full-face helmet?" You considered, quirking your head to the side as you finished off the eared helmet.

"Father had his mouth exposed, but that could always be dangerous if in a situation involving gas..." Damian said. You grinned with his agreement, but it dropped into concern when he added casually,"And people have shot at me point-blank in the mask as Robin."

"You just have one of those faces, I guess," You joked, feeling Damian's teasing glare piece your gaze. You nudged his side and continued your prodding,"I'm kidding. But I like the helmet—I mean, safety wise. I don't like it because I can't see your handsome face."

"It's an agreeable design," Damian crossed his arms. He threw you a gaze in return, smirking,"...You think I'm handsome?"

Damian trapped you against the counter, towering and threatening and beautiful. You slipped your hands over his shoulders and guided him closer."Mmhmmm," You hummed slowly before you pressed your smirk against his,"Very."

Across the Batcave in the Archives, Bruce was bent over a filing cabinet, flicking through files at light-speed and hrrnn-ing to himself at every time he found them to be unorganized. Alfred stood a few feet behind, patiently taking all of the disorganized piles Bruce found and rearranging them into alphabetical order. They were too far away to hear any of your and Damian's conversation, but it seems Bruce was too absorbed in his work to care. Lately, he'd been snapping at the chance to do any work at all in the Batcave, now that he wasn't Batman. Alfred, who was tired of this, never stopped reminding him.

"Master Bruce," Alfred begins. He gets a distracted hrrrn in response."Are you aware that you are free from your duties down here? You belong at Wayne Enterprises as of late, sir. Lucius and Master Tim have been asking for you."

"I need to prepare this for Damian, Alfred," Bruce says, finally pulling his head out of the heavy drawer. It rumbled on its track when Bruce closed it, rocking shut with a metallic slam."I'm still concerned for him. He may have been following our... mission for some time now, but I am still... hrn."

Alfred turns his head at a large clatter across the room. Bruce follows suit, only to see Damian pushing several pieces of equipment off the Batcomputer to make room for you, and then immediately resuming in loud kissing.

Bruce shakes his head.

"Not to worry, sir," Alfred said, swiftly returning his gaze to Bruce and ignoring the two at the Batcomputer,"I believe Master Damian will perform... more than adequately with his new duties." 

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