Crib Talk | Jason Todd x Reader

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Description: Being around babies and toddlers brings life-chainging thoughts to mind.

Request: Heya can u request a one shot where the reader is Jason's fiancée and she meets Jon for the first time and she can't stop babying him because he's just so adorable. And when he leaves she tells Jason 'this is ma baby boy and I will protect my baby boy' and Jason's like ??? His dad is literally superman?? And she's just like I don't care he's a bundle of joy and I'm going to love him forever. And Jason can't help but think that she'd make a great mom and that he wants to have a child with her?

Words: 1828

Notes: I loved this one! I kinda changed the prompt a little bit though, so I hope you still enjoy it regardless! Thank you for requesting! =*


"Thank you so much for watching him Y/N, you are the best," Lois gushed, dropping down to one knee in order to zip up her son's jacket. Jon hid his smile in a scarf that was far too big for him. As Lois pulled the zipper up to his chin, he turned that toothy smile on you, and then began to bounce about on his heels and tug on his mother's sleeve,"Mom! Mom! Please tell me I can come visit again! We got to watch movies, and eat popcorn, and have a sleepover in the living room! Then we went ice skating and Jay taught me how to skate! I had so much fun! Please, please, please can I come again?"

"Easy, easy, Jon," Lois laughed. She brushed back Jon's wild curls, and you couldn't help but be a little... jealous, of the action? Although Jon was the son of Clark and Lois Kent-Lane, he felt more like your child over the weekend in which he had stayed in your home. Or at least, he made you want to have a child of your own. A sweet little girl or boy like him, with a mop of messy black hair, and a pair of familiar sea-green eyes. You and Jason could take them ice skating... teach them how to walk... bring them to Wayne family dinners...

Jon was such a wonderful boy. He looked so much like Clark it was astounding, but every other part of him was so unique to his family; he walked like Conner, snarked like your sister Lois, and hugged like Kara. You could see your sister in him more than anything. He was quick-witted and so curious, asking casual questions in a way where you didn't notice you were revealing secrets to him. He wasn't manipulative... but he had a way of asking for what he wanted while not getting caught. Or, as Jason said, Jon was a very "sneaky" young man. If he were ever to have a cousin, he would certainly be an odd but helpful influence on them.

"It's no problem, Lo. He's such a joy to have around, and he really brightens up the place," You grinned back at your nephew and ruffled his hair, making him giggle and push off your hand.

Lois stood up and gently pat Jon's back, urging him into your apartment,"Why don't you go find Uncle Jay to make sure you didn't forget anything while Aunt Y/N and I talk real quick?" Lois suggested. Jon was gone in the blink of an eye, making the coats beside your front door flutter, and the air come rushing out of your lungs. Lois shook her head,"Jon! Be careful about your super-speed! You could knock something over!"

You both laughed when Jon called back,"Sorry!"

Lois sighed through her nose, resting against the doorframe and closing her eyes,"Anyway, how did it go? It sounds like Jon had fun."

You couldn't help the smile slipping on your face. Jon had stayed in your house for two days while Lois was reporting in Asia and Clark was handling something off-world. You were quick to offer your help, and although Jason was reluctant about having a toddler inside his apartment—a place packed with weaponry and dangerous tools—he had now completely flipped on the subject. You easily recalled how he held Jon on his lap as they re-watched Star Wars, imitating Yoda and sending the boy into fits of giggles.

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