Names Are Reputations | Jason Todd x Winchester!Reader

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Description: Jason didn't have a crush on you. That changed when he learned you punched Lucifer in the face once.

Request: Hiya! If it's possible could you do a Raven like reader with Robin!jason... something maybe with Young justice (like the reader is similar to Raven with the whole "creepy" stuff and secretness and powers n all)

Words: 1820

Notes: Sorry I turned this into a Supernatural thing XD. It was one of my first fandoms so I gotta pay some homage. If you haven't seen Supernatural this is going to make 0% sense. I strayed a little from the request (and this is mostly about the reader instead of her relationship with Jason), so I am so sorry if you dislike it! I just had an idea and it just... boom. Hit me. And when I have an idea like this one, I MUST write it. Even if it's terrible.


Jason hears the words "don't go in her room" leave Dick's mouth, and the present boy wonder decides to do the exact opposite.

What Jason expects from the dark, reserved, demon-related member of the team is exactly what she is; dark, reserved, and demonic. Pretty threatening too, and apparently the most experienced hero among them... you even had a few crime-fighting years (or something-fighting years) on Dick. Not to mention, you also happened to be the most drop-dead gorgeous girl Jason Todd had ever had the honor of meeting.

What Jason gets is a stark contrast to his assumptions. Instead of a darkly-lit room, every wall layered in emo band posters, the carpets and bedding black, Jason Todd finds out that you're normal. Or as normal as Y/N Winchester can be.

The bedding is plaid and unmade, the shelf above your desk lined with journals and vintage books. It looks like a hotel room, or maybe a lodge bedroom. Jason is incredulous as he picks up a photo settled on your desk. You are young, sitting on an old classic car with two boys and absolutely beaming. It was unsettling since you rarely smiled at all, and when you did it was at odd times—like when he tripped and almost fell down the stairs, which made you laugh too. Regardless of his own embarrassment, he couldn't help but think... damn, what a beautiful laugh.

Pfff. Jason didn't have a crush.

Jason certainly didn't have a crush on the girl who could collapse a sniper rifle faster than you could say "don't shoot". No, not the girl who was never unnerved or scared, always prepared, a master of acting and going undercover. Definitely not the girl with the last name and reputation that sent people running. Not the girl who, just last night, talked to the apparent "King of Hell" like they were old friends.


"It's some kind of alien language..." Dick started. He rubbed his finger against the substance that it was painted in, and didn't have to do much research to know what it was."It's written in blood."

"Enochian. And in angel blood." Y/N corrected him, stroking the strange sigils. Dick glances back at the rest of the team, Zatanna in particular,"Anybody know this language? Zatanna? Kaldur?"

Y/N raised a finger in indication for everyone to wait, fishing something out of the small bag she kept on her. She pulled out her leather journal—the one with dozens of notes and bookmarks, colorful tabs and hasty font. She says nothing as she scans the pages filled with cryptic drawings. The team has learned not to question much of what Y/N does, and Wally even spies what she's flipping through over her shoulder without being scolded. Everyone gathers around you in attempt to see what you're reading, the distant crashing of Gotham's river filling everyone's ears.

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