By The Numbers | Damian Wayne x Reader

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Description: "Please," he said, looking at you with unwavering hope which you had never seen him wear so powerfully, "I need your help." 

Requests: Can ya girl get a fluffy Damian x reader where Damian has loved the reader for a while and one night the reader falls asleep on his chest and he admits feelings buts she actually awake?

"We REALLY hate each other but you're the only one in our group close to my age so when my family comes to visit and ask if I'm dating anyone, I panic and say you since the others are all too old to be convincing so we have to pretend we're dating for just a little bit and oh no why are we kissing against a wall?" Okay but iMAGiNE DAMIAN

Could you write a fic with just...a lot of touching. Like, not even in a sexual fashion, bc I'm a smol pure bean and I try to avoid smut. Just like... Damian will not stop touching the reader (e.g arm over shoulder, fingers tracing collar bone, hand on her back trailing up and down her spine, etc.), and she doesn't know why, but she kinda likes it. With lots of cute nicknames please? J'ADORE you. -Sunshine Anon

ok so after a really long and emotionally taxing mission laying with damian in bed after cleaning up and what not, face to face and making sure you guys are ok and talking about anything you need to get of your chest/anything that was upsetting about the mission. Just really soft, cuddly, and fluffy, but also a little sad.

Words: 3998

Notes: I wrote this half as a stress reliever and half because my inbox is 99% Damian, and I want to work out all my Dami feels and make some room for our other good bois. I hope you enjoy =D


"Please," Damian said.

The words come out of his mouth in a single sharp whisper, a bullet shot into the dark, illuminating your world with sparks that die in your chest as you realize exactly what he's asking. He's down on his knees, for one thing. His head is bowed and he's waiting for an answer. You have all become debris of the remains of Titan's Tower, and your teammates are going through the rubble not far off. Maybe he's trying to be funny, trying to make the situation better, but Damian Wayne has never been very purposefully humorous before.

You took in a breath, the corner of your mouth still trying to determine if this was something you were supposed to laugh at. Every part of you seems to be fighting itself. Laugh or frown, quiet or speak, celebrate or mourn. Your home had just been taken from you. Damian is now making jokes, possibly to make you feel better. Because this has to be a joke.

"Let me get this straight," you said, casting a look at your teammates. None of them are looking at you. "Our tower has just been taken from us. You've tried the League for another base of operations, where the rest of the team will be staying, but you want me to stay with you at the Manor... so I can pretend to be your significant other?"

Repeating it to yourself made it all the more real. You had gained the ability to look at Damian without becoming a blush-ridden mess, not to mention you could control your reactions to his touch. The crush you had on him was being reined in harder by the day. Soon, you could be in the same room with him and not show any outward romantic attraction to him. Though you hoped the same could be said for your emotional state, there was no way...

Researching wasn't one of your talents, but you had done so in the last weeks with much more investment than you would put into a school project. Scientifically, a crush lasts around four months. That was seventeen weeks of thinking about Damian, one-twenty-one days of blushing when he walked into the room, and two-thousand-nine-hundred-and-twenty-one hours of hoping he shared some form of what you felt for him at all. That was one hundred seventy-five thousand, three-hundred-sixteen minutes of your life that you had liked Damian Wayne. But, the truth is, you had gone through those months. In fact, you'd gone through a lot of months. You'd gone through two years worth of months—you'd had this crush on him six times over. According to your research, that now put you into the "in love" stage.

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