Back To The Future | Part ii | Damian Wayne x Reader

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Description: Cyra had said she was the daughter of Damian and Y/N Wayne. Y/N. Such a beautiful name. Damian knows that his internet history had been searched through ("Y/N name meaning","Y/N name origin") because the next morning Dick is smiling a little too hard, Tim snickers whenever they make eye-contact, and Barbara has a persistent and unyielding smirk on her face. He has yet to narrow down any suspects, but the push into his privacy isn't exactly the first thing on his mind right now. It's the girl that just took out fourteen armed and powerful men with—with a butter knife.

Words: 3178

Notes: Here's part two!! And requests are going to be open for a while, so please, send them in!

For some reason, those words stick with Damian out of everything his future daughter had said. Not the mention of his role as the next Batman, Dick's future children, his own (seemingly large) group of future-offspring, but the teasing comment about her. Cyra's sentence is now tattooed inside of Damian's mind, A badass time-traveler who could easily kick your ass.

His ego snaps eagerly at the "easily" bit, because he's Damian Wayne and no one can "easily"win against him... except maybe his father. The title of "time-traveler" doesn't exactly surprise him. Cyra Wayne, or "Cyra Khadija Rana Wayne", as she had so dramatically—in a very Damian manner—declared, had been forced back in time and seemed only mildly miffed with her situation. "Badass" doesn't surprise him either. Damian Wayne wouldn't have children with a weakling...

He has gone over them a thousand times in his head. Searching for double meanings, devouring new theories and snatching up any chance to meet new people. Anyone of these encounters could bring Damian to you. But that's the question... who are you?

Cyra had said she was the daughter of Damian and Y/N Wayne. Y/N. Such a beautiful name. Damian knows that his internet history had been searched through ("Y/N name meaning","Y/N name origin") because the next morning Dick is smiling a little too hard, Tim snickers whenever they make eye-contact, and Barbara has a persistent and unyielding smirk on her face. He has yet to narrow down any suspects, but the push into his privacy isn't exactly the first thing on his mind right now. It's the girl that just took out fourteen armed and powerful men with—with a butter knife.

Or, it was a butter knife, before she murmured something in a language Damian (nor Bruce) recognized, flicking out the harmless cutlery as she faced the enemy. The silver shines, and the gleam catches in Damian's eyes and temporarily blinds him. When his vision clears she is now hefting a massive gun of sorts. Robin's guess is some kind of a blaster, as a tank sits on the bazooka-sized weapon's end. Within the golden, glowing liquid is a deep purple rock... the source of the blaster's power.

"Bullets can't affect me, little girl. Neither can missiles, or rockets. I am a demigod. Do you understand what that means, you foul, insolent child—?" The bad-guy of the week spits, fisting his hands at his armored sides. He stops short at her expression, suddenly unnerved. The girl does nothing but smiles at him, then holds up a post-it note with her free hand.


Before Bruce can complete his "wait!", the girl aims the weapon, steadying her feet against the marble flooring of the ballroom and pulling the trigger. A burst of light fires from the end of the Demigod Incapacitator. It slams into the bad-guy, melting into his chest and making him instantly collapse. The light spreads to the other mini-bosses in the room, and they all tumble with their leader.

"Woo-ee." The girl wipes her brow for an invisible layer of sweat, relaxing her stance against the massive gun and gently patting its side with a surprised expression,"I honestly thought that wouldn't work. Maybe it was a good idea to travel to the 2090's first."

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