Have You Ever Dreamed of Flying? | Jon Kent x Reader

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Description: That one soulmate au with tattoos. 

Words: 9194

Notes: I don't know why this is so long. I really don't. This could have been a short story, but noooooo, my writer brain wanted me to die. Hope you guys enjoy! Yes, this is a soulmate AU. =D


"You're lying! This has to be a fake," Tia had said.

"What do you mean?" You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. Even if she failed to notice, you knew for a fact her comment had made your bare shoulders wind tighter. With a light hiss, you frowned down at your feet, "How can somebody fake a soulmark?"

"Uh... Just get a tattoo?" Tia giggled nervously. The veil of silence drew closed again, and within it you could feel her eyes sweeping across the scope of your back. She seemed to be holding her breath. Tia refrained from making any other comments like her previous, trying to hide how her hands were shaking.

It wasn't every day that someone showed you their soulmark. It was like you had pried open your ribcage and let every secret fly loose for her viewing; Tia was looking at the very thing that you held dearest, a part of you that no one could take away, the part of you that connected you to someone else. It was the physical embodiment of your future. So maybe, just maybe she was a little terrified of saying the wrong thing in response or pushing too far. Tia had done a great job of that already.

"I'm... I'm not saying that it's bad or anything," Tia assured. She tilted her head to try and catch your eyes in the mirror again, scattering a waterfall of deep-brown coils off her shoulder. You continuously avoided them. Tia knew how you were—how secretive you were—and therefore just how big this gesture was. For you, it was huge. For others like herself, a soulmark wasn't all that big a deal. It was like having a birthmark in an odd place or a unique color eye. For others like Tia, a soulmark was just something someone might comment on to begin a conversation. Too many times people had pointed to the GCPD Detective's Badge on her collarbones and asked, "Hey, so your soulmate's a cop? In Gotham? Ha, poor guy."

You eyed your own reflection in the mirror, itching to pull your shirt back on again, for her to turn her eyes away from your back. But you had to do this. Tia had to be the first one to know. Tomorrow, your friends had planned to go out. At the beach. Where you'd have to wear a swimsuit. A swimsuit that showed your mark, because no one else in the tower had a tattoo as big as your own. No one else had something that covered your entire back. You had almost wanted to bail, but then Tia had caught the tail end of your anxiety and posed the obvious question, "Why do you care if anyone sees it? It's just a soulmark. Not like it's a big deal."

She didn't know what your soulmark looked like. That's why her advice wouldn't, couldn't work, because your soul mark was not just a soulmark. Tia now knew why.

"Can I... May I... touch it?" Tia asked carefully from your bed.

The no laid on the tip of your tongue. You knew you could say it, and it didn't have to do with consent or the awkwardness of not giving it, but you knew that you had to start taking these steps. You could be so much more comfortable with your soulmark, and it would help you become more comfortable with yourself. The first step is showing someone. This is the next step.

"Sure," you supplied after a breath.

Your mattress creaked as Tia got off of it. She waved her hand near your shoulder in indication, then slowly, carefully, brushed her fingers against coloring in your skin. You were successful in hiding the tense of your muscles, so Tia carried on. When she traces the mark's main outline she had accidentally triggered a laugh to bubble from your throat. She laughed too.

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