Hazel | Jon Kent x Reader

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Description: You help your best friend make a transformation.

Request: I was wondering if I could request a reader x jon Kent as a trans girl ?, The reader could catch her in a circle dress and kitten heels and jon could confess she's a trans girl . After that the reader could help her slowly transition into a girl behind her parents back until it becomes very obvious. You can decide what her name is and everyone's reactions are .

Words: 1420

Notes: First and foremost, I'd like to say that I'm not very educated on this sort of subject. I am not transgender and I have known very few transgender people, but I really wanted to write this as I feel I haven't a lot about this sort of thing. If I have offended you or someone you know, PLEASE tell me so that I can correct my mistake, and PLEASE know that that was never my intention. We value every single of you, and you are all welcome on our blog ❤️❤️❤️


You'd entered that Batcave with the determination of a soldier with a mission, stride even and gait as steady as the sun's promise to shine. Your face bore the expression of seriousness. Bruce thought this was odd, but brushed it off—while he'd never known you to be very secretive of your emotions (as all teenagers he knew were), as of late you'd been nothing but. The only thing he'd gotten out of you was stone-cold, unwavering confidence in this mission. As the Batman, it was his job to know why, and today had given him the answer.

You stood with your arms crossed, watching and listening attentively as he packaged the supplies of hormones. They weren't just any hormones, however, but were powerful enough for the metahuman of the description you supplied. Even though you'd been careful and never slipped when it came to mentioning of this mysterious buyer was, Bruce knew. He always knew.

So before he sent you off, the chemicals secured in your arms in a vise, Bruce Wayne looked down at one of the two best friends his youngest son had and posed the question,"Is she happy?"

Your mask had broken just briefly enough to show your smile,"She's about to be."


Entering the Kent Family property felt like entering a war zone. But you weren't a soldier. You were the messenger, the friend, and the package under your arm could stop a one-person war. It brought you the utmost joy to know you could help gain peace for one of the most important people in your life.

Jon Kent had been your best friend since... forever. They still were. They always would be, because Jon was the kind of person who never paused when it came to protecting. They always did the right thing, and they had always, without fail, been there for you. They'd saved your life in the field countless times, and they'd grabbed you by the back of your shirt and tore you from too many anxiety attacks to count. While Damian had taught you a lot about the world, Jon had saved you from it just as many times. That was why they were like a brother to you—soon to be a sister.

Jon, with as many lives that they'd made better and affected for the better, barely had time to tend to their own. You never questioned why, or how, or what had inspired this within them—because you didn't need to. Jon Kent wasn't... in soul, they had never been a he at all. That was a fact. And you were never one to question facts. But as a scientist, you loved to help bring them to light. That's why you had the package under your arm, and why you were currently entering Jon's loft in the Kent Family Farm.

From above, there were two distinct voices. One you recognized instantly as Jon's, kind and generous, airy in the way that reminded you of the view you'd get when taking a fly with them. Their voice sounded stressed and small, choked like they'd been crying. Then came Damian's voice, a river of steady assurance, and you knew what you'd just entered.

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