Virtual Insanity | Dick Grayson x Reader

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Description: You, being the inventor of the team, create a training program that allows the team to face their darkest and deepest fears. Maybe you made the program a little too perfect.

Words: 1867

Notes: This imagine isn't based on the song, but if you haven't heard "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai, GO LISTEN TO IT OH MY GOD. It's my JAM.


"I'll test it first." You said. Your fingers rapidly type at the holo-screen's main console, the keyboard and screen casting a light glow of blue against your face. You can see the rest of the team mentally preparing themselves through the blue hologram. You meet eyes with Kaldur, who questions you both with his eyes and his voice, apprehensive,"Are you sure that the holo-room will be successful in it's job? And are you sure that you want to be the first to test it?"

"I'm sure." You confirm, sliding away the screens and pulling your gloves on a little tighter. You straighten up and the flock of young heroes gradually silence until your voice is the only one that can be heard. You raise your hands in surrender, displaying the [color] pads of your palms to everyone. You find making eye-contact with Dick is easiest, as being the center of attention has never been something you looked forward too, and he gives you an encouraging nod to begin.

"Alright, everyone. Today's exercise is going to be a little... sensitive." You began, coughing when your voice wasn't loud enough and correcting your own volume. Dick gives another nod. You are reminded who you are speaking too; your friends, your family, and most importantly your team. You have nothing to be afraid of... yet.

"I've set up a new training program for the holo-virtual simulation room. And after a lot of research and time spent delving into Dr. Crane's notes, I've figured out a way for all of us to face our fears—in a safe manner." You see a few members shuffle their feet, expressions hardening in determination. M'Gann and Conner, in particular, appear to feel a combination of hesitation and courageousness.

"With M'Gann's help, we've managed to download some useful information and set it up. You'll enter the holo-room one at a time, and the program will recreate a scenario where you are forced to face one of your weaknesses. This is in order to improve your ability on the battlefield and blah, blah, blah." You laughed,"You get the point."

"If there's anyone who doesn't want to do this, you can leave. But I advise that you stay." Kaldur adds, and you give a nod of agreement. You smile when no one exits,"You brave bastards. Well, I'll go first just in case I messed up. M'Gann?"

M'Gann steps forward, and the group waits around the console while Dick, Kaldur, and M'Gann follow you up to the spectating room. After you give a few short instructions on how to disable the program just in case something goes wrong, M'Gann gently holds your temples as her eyes glow green. When you open your eyes and the color disappears from hers, she appears uncertain and possibly... sympathetic,"Are you really sure you want to go first? I could always—"

You cut her off with a simple wave of your hand. M'gann sighs, murmurs something that distinctly involves the word "stubborn", and hovers her hand over the print on the second console. Dick smiles at you and raises his thumbs,"You'll do great, babe. I bet it works perfectly. After all, you designed it."

Kaldur'ahm hums in agreement, then gives his nod of approval and unlocks the training room door. When it opens you can see nothing but pitch darkness. It unnerves you as you suddenly realize just what you're doing, but the feeling is instantly covered up by a brave face. You flash the trio a smile, Dick in particular, and before you can back out of your own creation you are locked inside it.

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