Among Lonely Dunes | Dick Grayson x Reader

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Description: Dick Grayson is gone, and your old agency is calling for you.

Request(s): Since Requests are open and if you wanna do this you can, I have a concept of Secret Agent Dick and his s/o having a Mr. and Mrs. Smith type relationship like they're married (reader kept her maiden name bc her father couldn't walk her down or smth) and have a child and everything and they have "day" jobs like reader is a model or actress for her cover and one day they get the assignment to go after dick and vice versa but it's ultimately up to you

May I request a Dick fic that is based on the time he is Agent 37(in the Grayson series if read it), please? would he think about Reader(maybe he never confessed but he wants to), yearn to tell her he is alive but knows he can't. Maybe he sees her during a mission and he wants to run to her but he can't. When he returns from Spyral, he's just uncertain on how she will react, but she's just like hugging him and crying cause she doesn't care he had lied, she's just glad he's with her again.

I'm gonna finish the request Ivy, the one about Agent 37. (Sorry about the length of it). I kinda put some events in the prompt but basically, I don't mind how you write it, cause I know you will write a masterpiece out from it, just if you could make it about Agent37!Dick and his feelings for Reader I'd appreciate it. Thank you very much for opening your requests 2.0 because I think it's an effective method. Love ya and Jen to death. <3

Words: 2512

Notes: Hey! So I only got through like issue #2 of Grayson? So I'm not all that familiar with Agent 37. Just know that I basically winged this entire thing. Also, I couldn't think of any good government agency names that fit what I wanted, so I just went with SHIELD I guess. Fury is in here too, but I made up the other characters. ALSO ALSO THE RETURN OF MY SUBTEXT OCS WAS SUGGESTED, SO ONE OF THEM IS BACK AND I LOVE HER!!

You hadn't been apart of the agency for years. Years. But ever since you dropped your gun and your I.D. card on Director Fury's desk, claiming solemnly that you were done with being an agent—his "eyes and ears" that he would put in any direction SHIELD needed—his words had rung in your head like the echoing chime of a clock tower bell. And if you were the clocktower and those words the bell, then that tower was collapsing without its foundation—the bell alone had survived.

"We will always welcome you back, Agent—Ms. L/N, my apologies. You're one of our best agents. You always will be." Nick said. His hand came from the depths of his coat and extended to you.

Hesitantly, you shook it, "Thank you, sir."

That memory still clung to the debris of your mind. It was the one thing you could think about without your heart trying to saw its way out of your rib cage.

It had been two months after the ceremony, one of those days where there was more mud than dirt beneath your boots and the rain had died to a light drizzle. You remembered vividly extending your palm to the rain, the droplets eagerly swallowing your skin as it was exposed.

You didn't register the rain. You didn't feel the way your dull weight sunk into the mud. There wasn't that searing pain in your chest anymore—but when had there ever been anything there in the first place? When did the happiness turn to sorrow, the sorrow into the pain, and then the pain into numbness? The answer was simple; when Dick Grayson died.

You didn't ask questions. You didn't grab Bruce by the shoulders and demand who took him from you, even if that sounded like something that could cause an emotion—which you were desperate for, given that it meant you weren't so hollow anymore. Confronting him would mean you'd be angry. You'd be angry and screaming and crying and Dick wouldn't want that. You didn't want that because only Dick could be the one to calm you down, only he was wanted.

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