O, Springtime Realizations | Tim Drake x Male!Reader

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Description: Hey, you try to startle yourself internally, calm down. You're totally overthinking, dude.

Requests: The idea of Tim being with "socialite" reader who actually has a career cleaning up scandals would be interesting because they would see each other quite frequently but Tim has no idea of who reader really is behind the personas of "smart and calculating" or "valley girl/boy" and he really wants to dig deeper to know

Heyyyy!!!! I would like to request a super fluffy one shot of Tim Drake x Male s/o, where the s/o finds out that he likes Tim and is like "Oh shit, I'm gay for this adorable nerd"

Requests are open? Wohoooo! How about The Reader beeing tim's girlfriend but also kinda „famous" (singer, actress or something unimportant, whatever, you choose) and during an interview gets asked the fuck,marry,kill question with gotham vigilantes and she answers „Pff easy. Fuck Red Hood, Marry Nightwing and together we'll kill Red Robin" a little bit too fast and prepared. Teasing and complains ensue. (Btw I love your writing but thats so clichee to say :D)

Words: 2251

Notes: Fun-fact, the gay part of these requests is the oldest request I have in my inbox. Thank you for waiting! I'm so sorry I took so long to get around to this one, so I hope you like it!! =D


"So, Mr. L/N, we've been seeing you a lot of you lately," Becky Narita said, crossing her legs underneath her desk and flashing a smile at the camera.

The live studio audience behind it cheered and clapped, and you felt yourself sinking deeper into your chair as a holler made its way out of the crowd, layering your face in an iron-hot blush. You waved gently to them and the folks at home, as the feeling of being on television actually began to settle in.

When the crowd finally settled, she turned toward you and clasped her hands. "Would you mind telling those of us who live under rocks, who are you?"

After a short bout of laughter, you cleared your throat and felt yourself shifting,"Well, I'm seventeen-years-old, I clean up celebrity scandals, and recently I was involved with a lot of recent events that you might have heard about."

"Well, before we get into your take on that, I thought it would be best for us to learn more about you. So, firstly, we're going to play a little game..."

You tensed but laughed anyway. They had not told you about this when they discussed the interview with you...

"Are you familiar with FMK? As in, $%#@, Marry, Kill? You are? Good!" Becky said. The crowd brewed excitedly in their seats, and you knew that this wouldn't be good. You just had to calm your breathing.

"Okay, so out of our appropriately-aged ex-Robins, who would you @&#@, marry, then kill?"

After a moment of consideration—knowing that it would be best to make a joke that someone would laugh at—you blurted, "Pff—easy. &^%$ Red Hood, marry Nightwing, and together we'll kill Red Robin."


"You saw my interview?" You said, trying not to pale.

There was an instinct to nervously scratch your cheek, to shrink away from him shyly, or to just up and dash for the nearest exit. You hadn't felt like... this, in a while. Nobody, not even people like Batman or Red Hood, were capable of making you this nervous. Or maybe that wasn't the word at all; unprofessional, more like.

Your boss, a close family friend who had passed down their business to you and taught you the trade of "scandal-sweeping", had always defended the Waynes. This meant that he had dealt with plenty of their scandals, which would eventually lead to you being business partners with the family as well. After a long career beginning in your teens, you'd worked from covering up C-list celebrity cheaters or arguments to transitioning careers. The Kardashians may have been the big leagues then, but now your big leagues were covering for Superman or the Batfamily when they needed someone to protect their identities.

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