In Their Slumber | Damian Wayne x Reader

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Description: All of us have our bad days. Sometimes they have purpose, sometimes they come without reason. Damian's beloved has one of these days.

Request(s): this is @youngjusticewritings! i really love your works and adore you as a person *_* if requests are still open, can i have some damian wayne fluff where he takes care of a sick reader? sorry if i'm disturbing you! *_* 

Teen/young adult dami x reader where she tries staying up until he gets back from patrol, but ends up falling asleep. When he gets back, he sees her curled up in bed, an open book, Titus, and her dog (my dog's name is Charlie if you'd like to use that. Or just Titus is cool too) protectively laying on either side of her. Damian is both happy and sad because he wants to cuddle, but she looks really cute with the dogs... Maybe he takes a pic to brag to bros and accidently wakes her?

Words: 2868

Notes: hey all I love Damian Wayne. Honestly, I might write another Damian fic or two because the Jon one was 9000 WORDS. So expect some proper Damian Wayne compensation soon.


Damian wasn't good with people. He looked at you every morning across the classroom (or if he was lucky, in his arms), feeling the beautiful warmth and infinite happiness flush out the pit of anxiety rooted in his stomach just knowing you were safe, and he'd search for a way to tell you how happy you made him. Every time you told him how much you adored him, how happy he made you... the words never came. Every time he came up short.

But at the very least, Damian is good at knowing people. His father loves the rain, to the point where he listens to it on his phone when he needs to sleep and can't. Jon's favorite color is actually green. Alfred is allergic to pine-nuts. You... you, he knew better than he knew himself at times. Not only because he held the knowledge that you loved [subject] because of your parents, or how you liked cheese on your popcorn, or that you secretly liked to watch the muscles roll in his back when he trained, but because he could see you. He knew what your natural smile looked like. He knew how your expression fell in sleep with the presence of a nightmare or relaxed with a pleasant dream. He'd down-right memorized the embarrassed flushing of your cheeks and had deepening them down to an art form.

So, it goes without saying, that Damian would know if you had a bad day even if you were attempting to hide it. But today must have been one of the really bad days because you aren't. His mind had already begun to work out why.

Last night, on Thursday, you had slept over at the Manor. In the last months, it had become your home as much as it was his; you were there almost every day, before school or after, and Damian's family loved having you around regardless. Damian was your official un-paid tutor, specializing in english and math, while you "tutored" him (...for service hours...) in science and history. You'd spent the majority of the study session tutoring each other in the art of kissing—for biology, Damian said. Or French class, you'd joked—until you'd actually decided to get your homework done. Then you'd stayed up and played video games until Damian went off for patrol.

"Off to save the world already?" You had smiled, watching him fondly from the corner as he pulled on his uniform.

"I can stay," Damian ventured, daring to put your happiness above others' lives. You'd shaken your head, smiling, and Damian had to pull himself from a blissful daze before he'd even began one. TT. He still couldn't believe you were insecure about your looks—now that was almost funnier than watching Drake fall down the stairs. It was like a [god/goddess] of beauty wondering if they were attractive or not.

"No," You'd laughed the word, planting your hands on his chest and pressing him forward,"As much as I hate to say it, you're going, Damian. Gotham needs her Robin."

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