Soul x Reader

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  • Dedicated to Cara Lynn Polk

"Hey (Name)!" You turned your head to the person who said your name. To your surprise, it was Soul.

"Oh, hey Soul, what's up?" You said with a smile on your face. You looked down at his hands and saw a samll red box.

"I... umm... I have some pocky and... I was wondering if you would play the Pocky Game with me." He looked at the box of pocky he had a dark blush, darker than his red eyes. You smiled and a faint blush on your face.

"S-Sure. We could do that." He smiled and pulled out a pocky.

"You know... The rules right?" He asked looking up at you. You nod and your blush worsens. He puts the pocky in between his mouth and waits for you to do the same. Once you finally gathered up the courage and finally took the other end of the pocky into your mouth you both slowly inched toward the middle of the stick. Your noses brushed against each other and your face became a bright red and you broke away first. "Haha! I won. What do I get for winning?" He asked. You looked down and blushed at the thought of the two of you kissing.

"What is it that you want?" He smirked and pulled you into a hug.

"You." He answers. Your face became even worse, if that was possible. He turned you around and placed a kiss on your lips, you could taste the sweet chocolate. You ran your fingers through his white hair and he pulled you closer to his body. The moment was perfect...

Until you heard snickering. "I told you. Pay up Kid." It was the annoying voice of Black Star.

"Damnit." Kid said. You two turned your head to see a smiling boy with blue hair, and a upset looking boy with three white stripes in his black hair.

"Way to ruin the moment..." You sighed, but then smiled and rested you head on the white haired male.

"I love you (Name)." He whispered.

"I love you too Soul." You whispered back.

"Get a room you two!" Black Star laughed. You ended up throwing the box of pocky at him with great force.

"Ow! Shit that hurt woman!" He hissed.

"Tsk. Whatever."

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