Sollux x Male! Reader

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(I'm waaaayyyy to tired to try to imitate his lisp... at the moment. SO~ you may have to do the lisp inside your head. xD sorry. Oh, an there is some swearing.)


"Hey~ Sollux~" You sang as you walked up to him, holding your box of Pocky.

"Oh, hey there (Name)." He replied to you, without looking up from his little 'project.' You frowned slightly.

"You sir.... Need a break." You mutter, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You silly human. I don't need a fucking break." He chuckled slightly kissing your arm. Since he was great with technology, he was in the middle of working on making a new and improved laptop. His little 'project.' Anyway! You frowned at his statement and turned his chair around.

"Sollux Captor! You will take a break from this, and play a game with me." You protested in a deep threatening voice, sound demanding.... Almost like Karkat was shouting at him.

The glasses wearing male stuck his hands up in defense. "Alright, jeez... I'll take a break KK." He smirked, a blush formed on your (s/t) skin.

"..." You puffed out your cheeks, you couldn't even think of anything else to say so you just took your Pocky stick and shoved one end in his mouth, and bit down on the other. Chewing your way closer to the middle. Sollux, being too shocked to move, just watched as your face drew closer. Once your lips brushed against his lips he leaned in and kissed you.

As for you, you pulled back. Not expecting him to kiss you. He took the box from your hands and stuck a stick between your lips and he chewed the other end and kissed you once more.

"Is this why you wanted me to take a break?" He asked, a slight smirk plastered on his face. Your face a dark shade of red; you nod your head slowly. "Well, that was a nice break. I'll be done shortly, wait for me upstairs." He said, leaned up to your neck and softly bit your Adam's apple. Then continued to work on his 'project.'


Okay, so.... This one was a little hard to do... Haa. Sorry if he's OOC. XD my bad guys! Anyway, I know its short, but I only have a limited amount of time. Since I have to study, and get ready for the SAT. Since I am a Junior this year, its gonna be stressful. With theatre, choir, and the SAT test.... I gots my hands full. Especially since we have a cute Japanese boy in my school at the moment. XD


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