Fang x Reader

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You were outside with Max and Nudge, talking about girl things. Like crushes, they knew you had a crush on Fang, so did Max. You didn't want to ruin your relationship over some silly crush. Neither did Max. That's why the two of you never showed hints to Fang that you two have crushes on him. Anyway, Max looked at you with a grin on her face. "Hey Nudge," Max chuckled darkly.

"What is it Max?" The darker skinned girl tilted her head.

"We should play truth or dare... With Fang and Iggy." Max suggested with a smirk on her face.

"Ohhh! That would be so much fun! Let's go!" Nudge and Max got up inching closer to you as you back away in fear.

"Nu. Nu. Nuuuu!!!" You try to get up and run into the house, as they chase after you. Causing them to chuckle darkly. "I don't wanna play!!!" You whined as they drew closer, and grabbed hold of your arms.

"Nudge, go get Fang and Iggy." Max said now wrapping a tie around your wrist.

"Wait, where did you get that tie Max?!" You asked, with a shouting tone.

"Never mind that... It's not important." She laughed nervously.

"Got them~" Nudge sang as she walked back, holding Iggy's hand and Fang trailing behind. Yawning and fixing his short bed head hair. Iggy held a look of confusion.

"What's this all about Max?" Fang asked, groaning as he sat down. Not even realizing that she had you tied up. Once he was fully awake, he stared at the scene in front of him. You were currently laying on the ground, Max still held your bound wrists as she sits on top of you. A frown resting on your features.

"We are going to play truth or dare!" Max grinned devishly once again.

Fang sighed, "fine." He looked at Max, then at you, and back to Max. "Who goes first?"

"(Name)." Max said, "dare, or.... Dare?"

"What?!" You shouted, "what happened to truth?!"

"You don't get one." Max replied followed by a giggle. "Anyway, I dare you to do the Pocky game with Fang." Your face became a crimson red.

"C-Can I g-get another dare?" You pleaded.

"No." Fang said bluntly, a small blush cried onto his cheeks. He got up walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Pocky stick and walked back into the living room.

He placed the Pocky in between his lips and got closer to your face. At that time, Max got off you and you were sitting on the ground. Before you decided to bite down on the sick. Fang picked you up and placed you on his lap. You hesitantly but down and you both drew closer to each other. You wanted to pull away, but Fang rested both his hands on your cheeks. Preventing you from getting away. After a few moments of chewing, your lips touched. "I knew it would work." Max smiled. Knowing her friend.... No... Her sister would be happy.

You broke away looking down. "This was your plan all along?" Nudge asked, making Max giggle and nod.

"(Name), I love you." Fang whispered softly.

"I-I... Love you too." You said back with your whole face as red as a rose. "Maybe... This game wasn't such a bad idea after all... Now... Max." Max stopped giggling and looked at you, horror clear in her eyes.


"Dare or dare?" You grinned devishly.

"Oh n-no."

The Pocky Game (x Readers) *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now