Natsu x Reader

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I.... I... wanna cry.... I hit something on my laptop and.... I LOST EVERYTHING I JUST FREAKING TYPED!!!! T_T HOURS OF WORK! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! DX



"Way to go fire eater!"

"Shut up ice freak!"

"It was your fault Fire Breath!" The raven haired male shouted at the pink haired male.

"Guys! Stop fighting! Seriously!" You shouted. You were taking care of Lucy because of a little 'accident' that was caused by Natsu and Gray. Lucy woke up, and her eyes looked around her bedroom. "H-Hey Lucy!"

"What... Happened?" She asked, obviously confused.

"W-Well... Natsu and Gray got into a fight, and... well... you tried to stop them and.. Nastu singed your hair, and Gray... sorta... got you with ice too..." You said, rubbing the back of your neck.

"GRAY! NATSU! YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" She got up and started to chase the two boys around her home. With a broom in her hands. Of course you tried your best to stop them.

"L-Lucy c-calm down!" You shouted, "hurting them won't solve anything!" You shouted, she sighed and stopped. Making the two boys tremble slightly.

"You're right," she turned around, "but... IT'LL MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!" She turned around and started to beat the poor boys up.

~In the Guild~

The two boys groaned in pain, as they rested their head on the wooden table. Cuts and bruises all over them. You and Lucy were at the bar having a drink. Erza opened the guild doors and saw them in their current state. "What happened to them?" The redhead asked as the walked up to you two. The blonde laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her bandaged head.

"W-Well, i-it's a funny s-story..."

"Yeah... It is." You giggled. Earning glares from the two beaten up boys. "Lucy beat the shit out of them." You now laughed at the event that happened a little while ago. Causing your boyfriend, Natsu, and Gray to send death glares at you. "What?? I was just telling Erza the truth." You sighed and finished your drink; then walked up to the pouting children. Yes... I called them children. "Then how about I take you guys out to dinner."

They perked up, but still held a frown on their bruised faces. "Fine... If you insist." Natsu continued to pout.

You wrapped your arms around his shoulers, "That's no way to treat your girlfriend!" You smirked.

He sighed and threw you over his shoulder, and walked out of the guild. "N-Natsu!" Your face bcame a bright red. Gray and Happy following close behind. Lucy and Erza laugh at your flustered face.

~Time Skip~

"Ugh! I'm so full!" Happy and Natsu said together. You sighed. In all honesty, you were soooooo used to this. That's way you were always out on missions. Because Natsu, Gray, and Happy spend your money like crazy.

"Come on guys!" Gray said, "if you keep this up then (Name) won't have enough money left."

"That's fine guys, don't worry, I'll just make you guys come with me and Lucy." You said resting your head on the palm of your hand and glancing at the three. "We're going shopping tomorrow. Sooo~ To make up for the cost of the dinner, you are going to buy me everything I want."

"WHAT (Aye)?!" They shouted in unison. Making you giggle.

"Let's go home guys." You said after you paid for the dinner, making you almost penniless. Gray waved as you, Natsu, and Happy walked back to your home. "See ya tomorrow ice head!" You shouted, causing Gray to swear up a storm (literally xD), and making Natsu laugh.

~Time Skip~

"Ohhh~" Lucy stopped the three of you from walking.

"What?" You asked turning your head and you gasped. "OMIGODOMIGODOMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD!" You squealed, happily. It was a candy shop. Lucy pulled your arm and you went into the store. "It's my long lost love!" You said almost drooling. Natsu cleared his throat and pouted.

"Long lost love?" He frowned, you turned around holding chocolate covered biscuit sticks.

"Yep!" You held the box in front of his face. "Pocky! BUY IT NATSU! BUUUUYYYY ITTTTTT!" He sighed, and took the box from your hand and bought the Pocky. You jumped up and down and hugged your pink haired boyfriend.

After a few hours had past, you had spend most of Gray and Natsu's money, making up for the dinner you paid for. You were sitting by a fountain; sitting between Natsu and Gray. Pocky in your hand. You stuck one end of the pocky in your mouth and turned to Natsu. He looked at you and with an innocent expression on his face. Lucy ended up pushing his face to the chocolate end of the biscuit. your face was darker than his hair, and his face was a crimson red. You slowly inched towards his face, biting down on the stick. He mimicked your movements and his soft lips pressed against yours. He pulled you onto his lap and rested his forehead against your forehead. A smile on his face, "hey (Name). You know I love you." He whispered softly.

"Ugh, get a room hot head." Gray frowned. Lucy hit him on the head.

"You freaking jerk! You ruined the cute moment!" Natsu kissed your nose and picked up all your bags and carried you bridal style all the way towards the home you two share.

"Aye! Don't forget me!" Happy shouted and tried to fly with you and Natsu. Only to be stopped by Lucy.

"Oh no, you are going to stay with me tonight." Lucy said, "come on Gray let's go."

You giggled as you watched Gray groan and walk of with Lucy. You looked up at Natsu and smiled, "I love you too, my fire boy." You kissed his cheek and fell asleep as he continued his walk.

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