Haruka x Reader *Christmas Special*

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"(Name)." Your boyfriend said in a deep husky voice, as he wrapped his arms around you. A frown formed onto your face, and slowly you started to pout. "You can't stay mad at me forever." He nuzzled his nose against your neck.

"Yes I can." You huffed. You were upset with Haurka. Very. Upset.

"But it's Christmas Eve..." He whispered.


Why so mad?

Well, let's start off at the beginning. Shall we?

You were walking with everyone to the Samezuka pool, because, they closed the Iwatobi pool for the winter. Haru had his arm wrapped around your waist, and everyone walked in front of you two. "Haru... Are you sure you're not cold?" You asked, your beautiful (e/c) orbs shine brightly up at him. He had his blazer draped over your shoulders. Seeing how you were shivering as the snow hit your cold body, making your clothes wet. So in order to stop some of the fluffy flakes from landing on your white blouse, he gave you his school blazer.

"I'm fine. What about your legs?" He replied, looking forward.

"Just a little cold, but... I should be fine. I don't want you catching a cold."

"Don't worry (Name), I'll be fine. We are almost there anyway." He said, while the Samezuka indoor pool came into view.

"... Okay... If you say so."

As the practice for the final Swim Meet came to an end. The boys ganged up and tossed both you and Kou into the pool. Much to your dismay, Haru was in on it. Swimming in after you.

You two came up for air, cursing under your breath. Glaring at the boys laughing. Haru wrapped his arms around you. Holding you tightly against his chest.

Now here you are. Mad. Displeased. Pissed. Every negative emotion you can think off. That's how you felt. "(Name), how about I get you some pocky to make up for this?"

"Not just one box. I want two."


"We can also play the Pocky Game... then that should do it. If I win, we spend Christmas alone together. If you win we do whatever you want on Christmas."


"This doesn't make up for the water. I'm still cold. I'm spending the night at your house." You pouted as you walked with your boyfriend to the store to get some delicious pocky. Everyone went separate ways, after saying 'Merry Christmas', or 'Happy Holidays' to each other. Both you and Haru walked together in the cold.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, you made it to his house. You quickly ran to his room and grabbed a shirt and changed. Leaving you in the shirt, bra, and panties. What do you care? You've been together for so long, no one else is going to see you.... and you may have done it. A few times, but, you don't care. As long as his friends don't see you like that, he's okay with it. Anyways, he pulled out your pocky boxes and set them down on the table in the living room, the heat was already circulating through the room, making it comfortable to snuggle and watch some movies. You sat down next to him, and opened the box and pulled the biscuit stick out. Placing it between your lips.

He bit down on the other end and inched towards you. Your soft (e/c) hues staring lovingly into his navy blue orbs. His hands rested on your waist once he felt your lips touch his. Both of you closed your eyes, and shared a sweet, chocolatey kiss. He pulls away and opens his eyes. "Ah. You pulled away first." You smirked and opend your eyes.

"So?" He replied, a slight smirk on his handsome features.

"So, we get to spend Christmas alone together."

"Just how I want it." He leans closer kissing your forehead, nose, cheek, and finally, on your lips.

"I can't wait... for tomorrow. I love you Haruka."

"I love you (Name)."

"More than water?" You asked hopeful.


"Why are you quiet?" You frowned then, pouted. Moving away from him crossing your arms. "Meanie."


Merry Christmas guys!!! Happy Holidays too!!! XD and a Happy New Year!

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