Iggy x Reader

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(It may contain a few characters from Skip Beat & Sengoku Basara. XD thank you and enjoy.)


You were laying down on Iggy's bed, your legs in the air, reading a magazine about your favorite groups. The Sengoku Era, and Vie Ghoul. You waited for Iggy to come back into his shared room with Fang. You came across an article about the new movie coming out. "The Fantastic 4?" You're eye twitched. "Is Stan Lee even in this? Does he approve of this?" You were a nerd. Unlike the other females in the house, you were more like a tomboy. "I'm not going to watch it." You pouted, and skipped over the article. You didn't realize it, but the door opened. You're eyes landed on the man who fans call him, "the one eyed dragon." You squealed and rolled off the bed. Landing on your butt.

"That sounded like it hurt." You looked up rubbing your sore spot on your butt. There stood Iggy leaning against the door frame. A smile on his face.

"You have no idea." You pouted and climbed back on his bed. He laughed softly and slowly made his way to his bed and sat down next to you. His arm wrapped around your shoulder and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Why are you in here and not with the others?" Iggy asked, as he stared at the wall, since he was blind.

"I'm glad you can see a little." You said to him. He smiled and nodded. He turned his head and kissed your forehead. Truth is... He could see a few things. "Hey Iggy... I wanna go out on a..." You blushed slightly, "date." Well you two have been togeyher for a long time now... Ever since Iggy came back to the flock. You realized how much he meant to you. Soo~ you started dating. However, this might as well be your first date, alone with each other.

"If that's what you want." He smiled down at you. You nodded and hugged him tightly.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" You got up and rushed to your shared room with Max.

You had dug through your closet of clothes looking for that one outift. Max, Nudge, and Angel bought it for you as a gift. Once you found it you put it on. It was a (f/c) hoodie dress. White trimming, which had a kitty face stitched on the side, and the hood had cat ears on top. You added white tights and some cute (f/c) ankle converse. You styled your (h/l) into a (hairstyle). Add a little eyeliner and some lip gloss. You smiled at yourself, and quickly grabbed your purse before you rushed out of the room. You giggled to yourself as you waited for Iggy to come outside. Once he did, he had his plad button up, a white shirt, grey skinny jeans, and red converse. His hair spiked slightly. His tips were a faded red. He had his fake glasses on.


~Time Skip~

You were sitting on a park bench. Your arm linked with Iggy's. A small box in your hand. "What's in the box?" He asked, he turned his head as he searched for the box in your hand.

"It's called Pocky. Wanna try some?"

He nodded, as you opened the box and placed one end in his mouth, you quickly bit down on the other end. He chewed, hopefully to finish the Pocky stick. Only to feel your lips on his. A smile graced his lips and pulled you closer to his body.

"Let's go home now." Iggy said, after you two broke apart.

"Okay." You both got up and walked to a less crowded area, and into a park and walked deep into the group of trees. You spread your beautiful (f/c) wings and Iggy did the same. Holding out his hand, you took it and flew off into the sky.

"I love you Iggy!" You shouted, the wind blowing in your face.

"I love you too, (Name)!" He shouted back. Oh, such a perfect date.

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