Gray x Reader: Christmas Gift

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You rolled your eyes as the two boys fought for the fifth time today. Surprisingly, it wasn't as much as usual. And of course, Lucy tried to stop them from fighting. You just gave up. Nothing you guys can do would stop them. It's too cold for this shit. Too bad Erza was on a solo mission...

Wait. There was a way actually. Food.

You placed your hands on your hips and leaned forward a little bit. "You hungry Lucy?" You asked, gaining the attention of the three. The blonde smirked as she got your little trick. She nodded.

"Yeah, let's get something to eat." She replied calmly walking up to you.

"What about you Happy? Those two might be here all day."

At the mention of food. Happy screamed, "I'm coming (Name)!" He flew over to you and Lucy.

"Bye boys. Have fun." You said and waved as the three of you left them in the cold winter day. They stopped fighting and glanced at each other. Both took off running after you three.

"W-Wait!!" Natsu shouted.

"I'm hungry too!" Gray shouted after.

"Then we can go Christmas shopping." You and Lucy giggled. All three males groaned.

"Oh come on!" Lucy frowned, "don't you want to see (Name) in a sexy dress, Gray?" Of course she knew about  Gray and you dating.  Gray blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"W-Well of course I do."

Natsu arched an eyebrow at the ice mage. Even if Natsu was claimed to be an idiot. He figured out why he was so flustered. Well... Kind of. "Gray, do you like (Name)?"

Gray froze. And glanced at you. Both of you had the same expression. You knew he wanted to say it. He desperately wanted to say it. You sighed and nodded your head. He relaxed his tense body. His eyes softened as he looked into your eyes. "We're actually dating right now." He smiled. You two had kept it a secret for a couple of months. Due to his fangirl, Juvia. And if she found out. Lord only knows what would happen.

Happy playfully cried and flew over to you and hugged you. "Nooooooo! My (Name) has been taken away from me!"

You giggled and held the flying cat in your arms. Gray pouted and wrapped his arms around your waist. "She's mine Happy."

Lucy rolled her eyes and laughed herself. "Let's go guys. I'm hungry. Come on Natsu." She said as she grabbed his hand. Causing him to blush. Gray pouted as he wrapped an arm around your waist protectively. Walking behind the two. Happy ignoring the the ravenette's glare. Content to be in your arms. Almost like a baby. Lucy glanced behind her and giggled to herself. "They look like a weird family."

At the nice restaurant. Gray obviously sat next to you. And Natsu sat next to Lucy. With Happy at the edge of the table in between you and Lucy.

While you and Lucy ate rather light, but still more than your average girl. The three males ate for their weight and possibly more. The two of you decided to talk about gifts. Trying to keep it a secret from the two. Even though, they were stuffing their faces. They didn't even pay attention.

"Are you guys done?" You asked the boys. They nodded and sighed happily. "Good. Because you're paying for this lunch." You and Lucy laughed and got up. Heading out. Gray and Natsu both groaned.

Lucy saw a dress shop and pulled you inside. She glanced around and found the perfect outfit.

Her eyes landed on a backless sweater dress. She grinned and pulled one out for you. "(Name), this is perfect for you!" She shouted, loud enough for Gray to hear.

Curiosity got the better of him. He glanced and saw the back side. His face turned dark. Then her eyes spotted something even better.

It was lingerie. Christmas lingerie. He felt liquid fall from his nose. Lucy took notice and grinned. "Maybe you should try it on." The sight of the outfit caused your face to turn a dark shade of red. Cheeks heated up. Even though you've been dating for a while. He tried his hardest not to put his hands on you in a way you weren't ready. So truth-be-told, you guys haven't done it yet.

Maybe you should reward his efforts. Taking a deep breath, you grabbed the sexy outfit and walked towards the fitting room. You tried it on. It was a daring red bra with faux fur. A red over-coat, with the fur. Red stringed panties. And red fish-net stockings. You covered your face. "Oh no." You mumbled.

Lucy stood on the other side of the curtain. "How is it (Name)?"

"I.... uh... I don't know." You replied shyly.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know?' Lemme see it." She said as she forced the curtain open. You gasped as you tried to hide behind it. "Oh my god! You look so freaking hot!" She shouted.

You glanced up at Gray and Natsu. Both of their faces were crimson. The ice mage came up to you slowly. Taking in the beautiful sight. "I'm getting this for you." He said in a husky voice. You tried to speak, but nothing came out. He picked you up and throwing you over his shoulder and headed to pay.

"G-Gray?!" You cried as he walked back to your little house while you were still in the lingerie. The cold air hitting your skin. "P-People are staring!" You protested. However, he didn't listen. "Gray!"

He kicked open your door. And slammed it shut. Locking it and tossing you on your bed.

He was just about to climb over your smaller form. You panicked and shouted, "W-Wait!" He blinked and shook his head.

"I-I'm sorry!" He quickly clapped his hands together, "I wouldn't rush you into things... You being in this outfit... so exposed. I couldn't help myself."

You smiled shyly and giggled. Your hands cupped his cheeks and brought his face closer to yours. Pressing a soft kiss to his red nose. "I want to do this with you... but..." He pouted at the last part. "Its Christmas... you have to open your gifts." You smiled and slipped out from under him. Going to your dresser and grabbed a small wrapped box. He grinned.

"You really didn't need to give me anything. You're all I really wanted." He laughed whole-heartedly. Probably why you fell in love with him. Being so honest. Even if he did suck at flirting.

"Oh shut up and open it!" You playfully tossed it at him. Which he easily caught and ripped the paper. Revealing the chocolate goodness. He perked up and hugged you. He's been telling you about this treat. And the game that came along with it. Since Leo/Loki had been trying to get Lucy to do with him. You smiled at his excitement. And watched him tear the box open. Pulling out a biscuit stick. Pressing one end to his lips. And stood directly in front of you. You leaned up and bit down on the other end. Hands pressed against his chest to keep stable. Both of you inching closer to each other. Gently pressing your lips together. Savoring the chocolate taste on each other's lips. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you tightly against his bare chest. Breaking the kiss to take in a long needed breath.

"I have one more gift for you." You mumbled, breathless. He tilted his head to the side. "Close your eyes." You pulled yourself away from him as he obeyed your wishes. You grabbed some blue ribbons, and wrapped it around yourself. Finishing it off with a cute bow. "Okay," you paused, "open your eyes."

Slowly he opened them, and saw you wrapped. In your lingerie. His nose slowly dripped with the red liquid once again. You panicked, unable to move. "DON'T BLEED ON MY WOODEN FLOOR!"


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