Seokjin x Reader: Eomma!!

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"Jin-hyung, we're hungry!!!" The voice of a whining Hobi echoed throughout the store. He tried his best to ignore the groaning younglings. Since he was the oldest, he took everyone out to get groceries for dinner, he was ignoring them because of one reason. You were helping him make something authentic... Something from your home country. Since he really had no idea how to go about making something different, other than Korean foods. He had you.

"Eomma!!!!" They whined. You rolled your eyes and answered them, as they kept repeating it in Jin's hear.

"You six just need to relax, I'll buy you guys a snack you hold you over, until we get home." You replied. They smiled and ran off to grab a snack of their choosing.

"(Name), why did you do that?" Jin chuckled.

"Because they wouldn't shut up." You kissed his cheek and continued your shopping. You scanned the shelves and your eyes landed on something you've missed eating.


The chocolate covered biscuit stick. Something with multiple flavors. Your eyes landed on the pink box. Your hand reached up for the heavenly box. Alas, you were too short to reach it. "Aish!" You scowled, causing Seokjin to laugh at you.

"Problems, jagi?" He smirked and reached up and grabbed the pink box with ease. His eyes never leaving yours. He leaned forward and softly kissed you.

"Hmmm...." You broke away pouting, taking the box from him and held it tightly in your hands.

"Anything else you want, (cute nickname)?"
".... Maybe..." You whispered and looked away, blushing.

"What do you want?"

You grabbed the cart and pushed it towards the stuffed animals. You looked around and saw them. Mario and Peach plushies. "Them Jin-Oppa." He chuckled and grabbed them.

"Of course my princess." He kissed your forehead and picked them up, walking to the check out, as the boys made their way back to you.

Jin was driving back to their dorm, and the boys in the back were quietly eating their snack.

Jin glanced over at you and smiled, he gently grabbed your hand and held it in his as he drove. Once you all got back to the dorm, everyone piled out and carried some bags inside. You held onto the bag with your plushies and Jin's hand. You both walked in and they boys were already taking out the groceries and putting away the things they wouldn't use tonight. A small smile forming on your face. It was nice to become part of the Bangtan Family.

Jin kissed your cheek and walked over to the boys, you headed to his room and gently set down your bag and walked back to the kitchen. Where the boys were, they turned their heads around and shouted at you. "Eomma!!!! We're still hungry!" Seikijn laughed, for once, he wasn't 'Mama Jin.'

You laughed with him, and walked into the kitchen. "Okay! Appa, I need you to pull out (fav. food)." You looked at Jin, causing him to blush.

"Okay." He smiled.

The six hungry noys where joking and messing with each other at the table. You came out and set plates down in front of them. They cheered and you quickly got all of them something to drink before sitting next to Seokjin. As they took a bite of the foreign dish, everyone paused. You were worried that they wouldn't like it.

"It's... Not good, is it?" You pouted and looked at your plate.

"NO!" They shouted, causing you to jump.

"Its amazing!" Hoseok smiled and continued eating.

"Its really good." Yoongi smirked.

"Can you make this again! Please?" Taehyung whined.

"Sure." You giggled.

"Eomma, next time can you make something else like this?" Jungkook pleaded.

"Of course Kookie." You smiled, very pleased they liked your cooking.

"Eomma!" Jin whined, grabbing you sleeve. You blushed. Jin called you 'mom.'

"Ya?" You glanced at him with a pink face.

"I love you~" he kissed your cheek.

Throughout the rest of dinner time,  you all laughed and joked around.  Then,  you all went to do different things. Jungkook and Taehyung played some video games, Yoongi went to sleep, Namjoon,  Jimin,  and Hoseok went out for a little bit.  You and Seokjin we're cleaning the last if the dishes,  and then headed to his room.  You held onto the new Mario plush he got you... And a small pink box. Jin sits next to you holding the Princess Peach plush and turns on his tv. His free hand wraps around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

He looks at the box in your hand, opens it, taking a stick and chewing on it. A few seconds later he reaches for another one. Gathering up your courage, you waited for him to bite down on the second one, your hands cuffed his cheeks, and turned his face towards you biting down on the other end, quickly chewing closer to the middle, your lips brushed against his. You stared into his eyes, both of you blushing, finally, your lips touched softly. Sharing a sweet kiss.

"Ewww!" A voice echoed from the hallway, both you and Jin snapped your heads toward the voice, seeing the door slightly cracked.

"Eomma and Appa kissed! Gross!!!" Kookie playfully gagged. Making Taehyung chuckle.

"Close the door!" You both shouted.

"PLEASE DON'T MAKE BABIES IN THERE! PEOPLE HAVE TO SLEEP TONIGHT!" Tae shouted as the two boys laughed and ran away. You quickly hid your face on the Mario plushie. Jin chuckled, and lifted your face up to meet his lips once more.

"What if we keep it down then?" He whispered. Your eyes grew wide, and face turned red.

"KIM SEOKJIN!" You shouted and repeatedly hit him with both plush toys.

"Hahaha!" He laughed,  "I'm kidding (Cute Nickname)!"



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