Another A/N

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Hey guys. It's me your Tsundere-chan<3. It's been a slow update for a long time,  and I apologize! The school year is almost done, we have, like, 35 more days of school before our exams, and then graduation is next month. This thesis is killing me, but I'm pushing through. When I had free time I tried to write as much as I can and publish something, but... Its been hard. Dear Namjoon-Oppa, my love! Help me! ;3;

Prom is coming up soon too! May 6th for us. GUESS WHO'S GOING ALONE (LIKE ALWAYS)!! THAT'S RIGHT YOU GUESSED IT! ME! AHAHAHAHA! Cause I have no boyfriend, and hahaha, I'm not that pretty (I'm not that ugry right? XD). Comment if you're going to prom with your friends!

Anyways, thank you for understanding! I love you guys!!!! xD 


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