Her cries kept on getting louder together as anger started on clouding the sensible part of her self. She's being filled with nothing but lividity and it was starting to change her into someone she was once afraid to be. Forgiveness is being erased on her vocabulary and she's turning into a wild beast who will bite if you touch her or her daughter.

Suddenly, Joy stopped crying.

"Sooyoung, I'm really sorry,"

The familiar voice of a man whom Joyㅡ shamely, almost fell inlove with echoed through her ears.

Her tears went nowhere and her eyes are as dry as the sunkissed highway when she looked up.

She felt disgusted.

Hanseol Chwe. The guy who was the root of all the evil things that happened to her.

Anger doubled inside her and she couldn't stop herself but slap him hard on his cheek. Seconds later, the red print of her hand came showing on his face but Joy, she is out of control. Since her other hand is already stinging, she used her other hand and slap Hanseol again.

Hanseol didn't even speak. He just recieved the slaps which he knew he is deserving of. Joy pushed him and he moved a step backwards.

"How can you still show your face in front of me?" Joy spat and pushed him again. Her emotions are boiling to the utmost degree it could get and all violent things are running though her mind. "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU STILL FACE ME WITHOUT EVEN FEELING A LITTLE BIT OF SHAME?!" She screamed and slapped him again. Her hand is getting numb but she wouldn't get it the other way around.

Joy wanted to hurt him too.

"Sooyoung, if you only knew how disgusted I am to myselfㅡ"

"How dare you call me that?! Where is your shame?!" Joy grabbed a handful of his shirt on the side of his chest, "You ruined my life!" She screamed and only then her tears started to fall. Things would've gone easier to her if only Hanseol didn't show up. Life wouldn't be so hard if he didn't do what he did to her. Her family could've been complete and Areum could still have her Appa. . .

Hanseol felt the killing pang of guilt rushing through his veins, "I know and I'm really sorry! Please let me explain, Joy please listen to meㅡ"

"Do you really think I will forgive you?" She shrieked and started punching him in the chest. Joy wouldn't calm down and all she could ever think was to hurt Hanseol in the most deserving way.

"I don't. But please hear me out firstㅡ" Hanseol yet again pleaded.

"Hanseol, even if you die today, I would never forgive you," Joy said as she quickly wiped her tears and let out a brave expression. It was harsh and shocking to hear it from someone like Joy but for Hanseol it is nothing compare to what he deserves to hear from Joy.

A sad smile escaped his lips, "How I wish I could finally die today so that I will stop dying everyday as guilt kills me everytime I see you. I'm really sorry Joy," Hanseol has the most sincerest words but Joy's anger is still superior that she didn't notice it.

"If you think I will pity you, I don't," She said firmly.

"I know and I don't deserve that anyway," Hanseol sighed. "It was CUBE's CEO who told me to do it," He declared.

Joy's mouth falls, "W-what?"

"He knows how much I hated Sungjae, and how Sungjae hates me too. They used me because they know I have a huge effect towards Sungjae."

"Don't you want to finally seek justice for yourself? And for the fact that your girlfiend wasn't able to see her dream for you before she died?"

Hanseol flinched at the word. He was inside the car with CUBE's CEO, Park Choong Min as the latter is trying to convince him to take pictures with BTOB's Sungjae's precious girlfriend.

The thing is, CUBE's biggest hit, BTOB is too precious for the lunatic CEO that he would do anything to keep the group complete, specially its most famous member, Yook Sungjae. And it seems to the CEO that Sungjae wanted to quit and be with Joy so he came up with the idea of using Hanseol as Hanseol and Sungjae had dark past.

Only a month before debut, it was supposed to be Hanseol as the 7th member of BTOB but through connection and vocal talent, Sungjae managed to steal his place.

The place that he worked hard on a lot. The place where he spend most of his days trying to improve his rapping and dancing skills, he sacrificed a lot of sweat, tears and sleep that he almost forgot about his long time girlfriend which unfortunately that time, acquired an incurable desease.

Hanseol's girlfriend, DaHyun, has a last wish and that is to see him performing on his debut stage. Her weak body fought a lot of pain just to make her days longer and wait for Hanseol to finally debut. But all those pains meant nothing because Hanseol's place was stolen by a guy named Yook Sungjae.

DaHyun passed away with tears and sadness in her because she felt bad that Hanseol didn't get it and that she will never be there to comfort him.

Hanseol was so mad that he didn't even think of the consequences of his actions. He wanted to make Sungjae feel what he felt, losing.

But then after getting what he wanted, he started feeling guilty. And as much as he wanted to tell Sungjae the truth, he couldn't get a hold of him.

When he found Joy, it turns out that Joy doesn't recognize him. He tried many times to tell her but he was selfish. He enjoyed Joy's company and he thought it would be better to help her than let her know the truth.

But every day, whenever Joy will look at him in the eye, he felt like he is dying. Guilt is killing him.

"I will accept it if you wanted to put me in jail," Hanseol said after spilling his background.




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