Tula 69: The other Half

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I meet her in a classroom—strangers you saw in this room.
I thought my world is now doom.
But thanks to her my life is boom.

The moment I saw her face,
It send my heart chill and peace,
It untied the invisible lace,
And it will no longer trace.

The moment I heard her voice.
Everytime she throw words it took me to space.
Btw her name is Grace.
She is my bestfriend who love to dance.

I love her frangrance,
The moment I smell her it took me to another place,
Send me good vibes in my entire system,
She like a expensive flower to me.

The moment  I feeled her skin,
It unleashed the bad vibes of me,
She is Grace my happy pill and bestfriend,
That our bond has no end.

Because just like a taste of sweet candy.
She is one of a kind lady.
I will treasure our friendship.
And it will never be sink.

She is Grace my other half—this is not a bluff.
She is Grace my girl-friend
that our almighty God send.

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