Olivia's true colors

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"Princess are you okay?"

"Jen we need to talk." 

I sighed and turned around. Adam pulls her back. She pulls away from him.

"Is this about Ethan? Because he has feelings for me?"

"Olivia don't do this."

"Let her talk Adam."

"This should be interesting." 

"Hit me with your best shot Olivia. Tell me what you want to say to me."

"Ethan. Adam. Max. All the other guys in High school. What's the difference. They all don't want me cause you are so great and amazing and they all wanted you. I always was just second price."

"What do you mean Olivia? And what does Max have to do with any of this? He never was your friend he was mine. And those other guys. I set them all up with you. Luke Adams dated you because of me. The most popular guy in school. But you left him. How is this all my fault?"

"They all just wanted me cause you didn't want them. And Max. I had feelings for Max. But he was all Jen. Jen. Jen. Till you set him up with your sister. You didn't even care about me. All you ever cared about was you and that stupid sister of yours."

"You can't blame me for that. She's my sister. I didn't even know you had feelings for Max. And leave El out of this. This is between you and me. Always has been. I did care about you Olivia. You went after Adam ever since you met him. And you knew how I felt about him."

"Adam is actually funny how that worked out. I think you should know how things really happened."

"What do you mean?"

"He really did love you Jen. He always did. That night you had that big fight of yours. He wanted to go back to you. But I convinced him to stay with me that night. I convinced him to sleep with me that night and I convinced him to leave you. I told him you don't love him and you are only using him to get to me. I didn't think he would actually believe me. But he did. He believed me until you came back from college. But I was already falling in love with him. And I knew I had to black mail him to let him stay with me. But he decided enough is enough."

"Oh wow. You took those photo's. You put this whole idea in his head. Do you even realize what you have done? Adam kidnapped me because of you. He went to jail because of you."

"You really are one smart girl Jen. How did you know this?"

"I tried to tell you Jen." Adam says.

"Why did you do this Olivia? You begged me for a second chance. And I know you are cheating on Ethan."

"How do you know?" she asks.

"Wait is it true?" Ethan asks.

"Yes. Not that it matters. He doesn't want me. He is probably always thinking about you just like Adam did."

"Why did you do this?"

"I wanted to destroy you. Everyone liked you more than me. So I wanted to destroy that about you. All you are is a pain in my ass. I wish I never met you and became friends with you. I thought this time would be different. But it wasn't. And I needed a cover but it didn't work out."

This hurt badly. I felt the tears coming but I held them back. I was so anger and hurt. 

"You pretended to be my friend just so you can get your revenge on me? You made sure I win this case against Adam so he can go to jail. Do you even care how horrible that is? How can you be so cruel? All I ever was to you was a friend. And you do this to me?"

I felt very dizzy after I let it all out. I hold my head in my hands but it wasn't good enough. I fainted.

"Princess?" Jake drops to the floor and check on me.

"Let her die."

"You're a horrible person Olivia." Adam says.

"It's better that you leave." Ethan says.

"I think so too."

"It's over." Ethan says.

"We need to call Toby."


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